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The News That Moved Us: March 15 – 22

- March 22, 2024

by Martin Davis

The week just past saw Stafford residents begging the Board of Supervisors to fund their schools, local realtors responding to Supreme Court ruling, an interview with congressional candidate Carl Bedell, King George Supervisors overspending, and Spotsy Superintendent Mark Taylor released without cause.

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Number 5: Stafford Residents Ask Supervisors to Fund the School Division

Stafford County parent Joshua Mead stood before the Board of Supervisors yesterday evening and suggested that they hold their next work session on the ground in a hallway, instead of seated at a desk in a conference room. “Or maybe you could hold these meetings in a trailer in a parking lot that doesn’t have access to running water or restrooms,” Mead said. “How supportive would you be of Stafford County Public Schools if you had to conduct business in the same manner that our students are forced to learn?”

Number 4: Local Realtors Association Responds to Last Week’s Settlement Agreement

The Fredericksburg Area Association of Realtors said this week that it welcomes the proposed settlement agreement reached last week by the National Association of Realtors and litigants in federal court.

Number 3: Meet Carl Bedell

Carl Bedell is the only Democratic candidate competing for the 7th District who is not centered in Prince William County. He’s hardly an outsider, however. For Bedell, it’s all about “being present.”

Number 2: King George Supervisors Have Overspent a Line Item by $10,000

With three months left to go in the current fiscal year, the King George County Board of Supervisors has exceeded its budget for office supplies by at least $10,000, largely due to purchases made in December and January of this year, after the November election ushered in new Board leadership.

Number 1: Spotsy Superintendent Terminated ‘With Cause’

The Spotsylvania School Board has terminated “with cause” its contract with Mark Taylor, effective March 19, 2024.

Humor – The Luck of the Humorist

Today is St. Patrick’s Day. A day to reflect on what it means to be Irish and to remember the nearly million killed in the great famine by ordering bacon cheese fries at lunch between pints of Guinness. Ireland has produced some of the greatest writers and musicians the world has ever known including some of the most famous one-named singers like Bono and Enya. 

Commentary: High-quality Childcare Hard to Define, Find

When it comes to caring for young children and their education, the gulfs regarding best practices, rights and wrongs, and how to define success are as yawning as the divide in the Great Rift Valley. However, when great childcare begins to disappear, the outpouring from families and communities belies the consensus we share – regardless of our political orientation.

- Published posts: 254

by Martin Davis EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

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