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Stafford School Board Directed to “Immediately Stop Spending Dollars” on Elementary School Site at Brooke Point High School

- February 29, 2024
Proffered school site in Embrey Mill neighborhood

by Adele Uphaus

Stafford County Administrator Randall Vosburg has directed the School Board to “immediately stop spending dollars on the Elementary 19 site at [Brooke Point High School.”

“As you know, the [Board of Supervisors] has been expressing concerns over the School Board’s proposed location for the elementary school at [BPHS] for several weeks,” Vosburg wrote in a February 23 letter addressed to division superintendent Thomas Taylor.

Supervisors voted on February 20 to direct Vosburg—who last week submitted his resignation—to send the letter. In addition to directing the School Board to stop spending money on site preparation for the elementary school at Brooke Point, the letter notes that the county is now in possession of the 33-acre site proffered for a school in the Embrey Mill subdivision.

It also requests that the School Board “reconsider their position on the Elementary School 19 site” and select the Embrey Mill site instead.

The agenda for the School Board’s March 5 regular meeting includes as an action item, “Location of Elementary School #19.”

Vosburg attached a copy of the deed for the 33-acre school site, which was recorded on February 20, to his letter.

Vosburg also included with the letter a copy of a resolution approved by the Board of Supervisors on January 16, 2024, authorizing the County Attorney to “execute any and all documents that they deem necessary and appropriate to settle the claims arising between the Board and NASH Stafford LLC regarding the Embrey Mill proffers, under the terms and conditions discussed in closed session.”

Embrey Mill developer NASH Stafford is represented by the law firm of Leming and Healy, in which School Board member Patricia Healy is a partner.

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