Sunday Theatre

A Review of Company Music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim Book by George FurthKennedy Center Concert Hall through March 31Purchase Tickets I love this script. I love this score, I love this story, I love it when it “works” and even when it doesn’t, quite. I just need to get that on the table before […]


Letters to the Editor

Yes – Climate Change Is a Serious Issue FXBG Advance invites readers to submit letters to the editor. Letters should not exceed 500 words, include the writer’s name, city, and phone number (for contact purposes only), and should not include ad hominem attacks or inappropriate language. FXBG Advance reserves the right to edit all letters. […]


St. George’s; Open to All in Love

Whether you are returning for Holy Week and Easter, visiting for the first time, or attend regularly, St. George’s is there to welcome you. Special Paid Partner Content To find the soul of St. George’s Episcopal Church, move through the portal doors on Princess Anne Street, walk beneath the towering steeple, and step into the […]


The News That Moved Us – March 8 – 15

by Martin DavisEDITOR-IN-CHIEF The week just past saw a big announcement around data centers, a housing demonstration, an uplifting story about tulips, questions about FOIA’s effectiveness, and another resignation in King George. Also – our new website continues to pick up steam. Check it out to easily access and read the most important stories shaping […]


Tulips = Happiness

by Adele UphausMANAGING EDITOR AND CORRESPONDENT All across Fredericksburg, some 200,000 tulips are getting ready to blanket the city with springtime color. For the folks behind TulipsFXBG and the volunteers who planted thousands of bulbs last fall, the anticipation is almost as good as the display itself. “If you’re lucky enough to spend an afternoon […]


The 80th Anniversary of D-Day

“At the core, the American citizen soldiers knew the difference between right and wrong, and they didn’t want to live in a world in which wrong prevailed. So they fought, and won, and we, all of us, living and yet to be born, must be forever profoundly grateful.”–Author Stephen Ambrose Almost Eighty years now separates […]


Stafford School Board and Supervisors Working to Reschedule Last Week’s Cancelled Joint Meeting

by Adele UphausMANAGING EDITOR AND CORRESPONDENT There is no date yet for a rescheduled joint meeting between the Stafford School Board and Board of Supervisors, though the clerks of both boards are discussing options. “Both boards have expressed commitment to making [the rescheduled meeting] happen and recognize the importance of cooperation,” School Board Chair Maureen […]


Bringing Lafayette’s Journeys to Life

A University of Mary Washington student and a professor have created a map featured at the Fredericksburg Area Museum showcasing the travels of Lafayette in America. by Lisa Chinn MarvashtiUNIVERSITY OF MARY WASHINGTON University of Mary Washington senior Brooke Prevedel and Professor of Geography Steve Hanna spent more than 100 hours making the map at the center of a new Fredericksburg Area Museum […]


Environmental Cents

You can significantly reduce energy use, save a good chunk of change annually, and make a positive difference for the environment by following these simple tips. by Bruce SallerWRITER Behold the lowly water heater. Tucked away in the basement, out of sight and out of mind, and one of the biggest energy drains in your […]