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News Quiz for April 27

- April 26, 2024

by Martin Davis

How well do you know the news in our region? See how well you understand the news that happened over the past week. All the answers are found in the news stories we published from April 19 until April 26. Did you miss one? Read up on the news you missed at FXBGadvance.com. And now – the quiz. Good Luck!

Take the Quiz

How’d you do?

6 out of 6 – You’re a news hound. Ever consider becoming a journalist?

5 out of 6 – You’re well-connected to your community. Keep up the good work

4 out of 6 – You’re busy, but work to stay informed. Well done.

3 or less out of 6 – There’s a lot happening that you’re missing! Support the FXBG Advance, and stay on top of the most important news affecting you.

- Published posts: 271

by Martin Davis EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

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