FXBG Advance
- April 17, 2024
17 views 11 min

A referendum on whether to fund a new county school may be headed to King George voters in November. “It looks like you need a new preschool,” said T.C. Collins, Chair of the Board of Supervisors, to School Board members during a joint meeting of the two boards on Monday afternoon. “I think everybody agrees […]

Managing Editor and Correspondent ...
FXBG Advance
- April 10, 2024
25 views 3 min

by Adele UphausMANAGING EDITOR AND CORRESPONDENT Stafford County Public Schools’ support staff—the bus drivers, cafeteria workers, maintenance workers, administrative assistants, bookkeepers, and other employees who aren’t teachers but who are essential to the day-to-day functioning of the school division—will receive long-awaited raises under the provisional budget adopted Tuesday by the School Board. These employees, who […]

Managing Editor and Correspondent ...
FXBG Advance
- April 3, 2024
19 views 8 min

by Adele UphausMANAGING EDITOR AND CORRESPONDENT Stafford supervisors on Tuesday approved a budget for the upcoming fiscal year that will provide about $15 million to the school division for critical systems maintenance and repair, replacement, and renovation, or “3R” projects. This funding is in addition to $13 million in new money for the school division’s […]

Managing Editor and Correspondent ...
FXBG Advance
- March 29, 2024
23 views 2 min

by Adele UphausMANAGING EDITOR AND CORRESPONDENT Fredericksburg City Public Schools expects to receive more funding from the state of Virginia for next fiscal year than originally anticipated, but there is still a gap of about $1.5 million between proposed revenues and expenditures. The School Board on Friday morning approved the budget for fiscal year 2025, […]

Managing Editor and Correspondent ...
FXBG Advance
- March 27, 2024
18 views 13 min

A decade’s worth of neglected maintenance and underfunding, paired with rapid growth and unprecedented demographic change, has left Spotsylvania County’s school system crippled, and facing an uncertain future. by Martin DavisEDITOR-IN-CHIEF Down in the bowels of Chancellor Middle School sits a relic from 1987. A roughly six-foot tall metal box with rows of black fuse […]

Managing Editor and Correspondent ...
FXBG Advance
- March 22, 2024
27 views 6 min

BY ADELE UPHAUSMANAGING EDITOR AND CORRESPONDENT Tax rates and the dormant rental inspection program were among the topics City Council discussed at a budget work session on Tuesday. City Manager Tim Baroody presented his proposed $126.7 million general fund budget for fiscal year 2025, which begins July 1, last week, and Council has work sessions […]

Managing Editor and Correspondent ...
FXBG Advance
- March 20, 2024
23 views 7 min

By Adele UphausMANAGING EDITOR AND CORRESPONDENT Stafford County parent Joshua Mead stood before the Board of Supervisors yesterday evening and suggested that they hold their next work session on the ground in a hallway, instead of seated at a desk in a conference room. “Or maybe you could hold these meetings in a trailer in […]

Managing Editor and Correspondent ...
FXBG Advance
- March 19, 2024
22 views 5 min

by Adele UphausMANAGING EDITOR AND CORRESPONDENT With three months left to go in the current fiscal year, the King George County Board of Supervisors has exceeded its budget for office supplies by at least $10,000, largely due to purchases made in December and January of this year, after the November election ushered in new Board […]

Managing Editor and Correspondent ...
FXBG Advance
- March 8, 2024
21 views 4 min

by Martin DavisEDITOR-IN-CHIEF The week just past saw still another local school district with unfunded needs, all things election, elementary school No. 19 still homeless, Mary Washington Healthcare expanding, and FOIA Follies in King George. Also – our new website continues to pick up steam. Check it out to easily access and read the most […]

by Martin Davis EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ...
FXBG Advance
- March 8, 2024
17 views 4 min

by Adele UphausMANAGING EDITOR AND CORRESPONDENT Leaking roofs. Severely corroded HVAC pipes and parts. Not enough desks and chairs for new students. High school bleachers and a preschool playground “at the end of their useful life.” Tracks and tennis courts on the verge of being condemned and deemed unfit for competition. These are only “the […]

Managing Editor and Correspondent ...