This Thanksgiving, Write It Down

Editor’s Note: Share your favorite recipes with us (Thanksgiving themed or not) and we might use yours in our next Saturday issue. In our podcast recorded Wednesday night, Shaun Kenney, Cori Blanche, and I turned off the political discussions and turned on the memories. Thanksgiving memories, to be exact. The episode, which drops Monday on […]

Putting the Brakes on Bullying; Lifting Kids to the Skies

When Zach Newman, aka @zachfullface, grabbed some big air inside the gym at James Monroe High School on Thursday, the students’ shouts lifted the roof. Good thing, too, as Zach seemed to flirt with the rafters each time he cleared the top of the quarter pipe and took to the sky. The thrills were a […]

Voter Burnout Is Real

With the 2023 election cycle behind us, and the 2024 and 2025 elections already bearing down, expect more of the vitriol we’ve come to witness during election year – which is every year in Virginia. Before the serious mudslinging begins, however, there’s a case to be made for taking a collective breath and having a […]

Books Tore Us Apart … Now They Can Unite Us

Since Tuesday night, there have been celebrations across Spotsylvania over the demise of the School Board regime that openly supported book banning. There has also been talk of next steps among the outgoing board’s supporters who saw their 15 minutes of fame burn bright, then burn out. Both need to be wary. The voters weren’t […]

Veterans Day

Today is not only Veterans Day, it’s also the 248th birthday of the United States Marine Corps. These two days have become important ones in our household. The first because my father is a veteran, and he instilled in both my brother and I the importance of putting country over self. It was a message that didn’t […]

Adele Uphaus joins FXBG Advance as Managing Editor and Correspondent

Two years ago, I had the opportunity to work with Adele Uphaus when I joined the Free Lance-Star as that paper’s Opinion Editor. Over my 25-year career in journalism, there are few reporters that I’ve worked with or led who were Adele’s equal. Her well of sources runs deep; her research skills are first-rate; and […]

COMMENTARY: Spotsylvania Stares into Abyss, Says ‘No’

At the end of the day, voters favored people over policies in Spotsylvania County, sometimes by significant margins. This election brought Spotsylvania back from the edge of becoming a county fueled by hard-right, exclusionary politics, and brought it back into the orbit of civilized political debate. The big news of the evening was the School […]

ANALYSIS: Votes, Civics, and A ‘Difficult Space’

NOW came to Spotsylvania on Sunday afternoon, but abortion access wasn’t the driving issue. Rather, it was bringing awareness to voter manipulation by Nick Ignacio (candidate for Clerk of Court in Spotsylvania) and Steve Maxwell (candidate for sheriff) at the Early Voting site in Spotsylvania. The blatant misinformation these two have been pushing is a […]

Spotsylvania In Trouble; Where Is The Outrage?

In 2021, then-candidate Glenn Youngkin found a winning message – “Parents’ Rights.” It’s an issue that has served him well. Youngkin played on parents’ fears and frustrations about mask mandates; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion policies; and curriculum during the campaign to energize his run for Richmond. After winning the governor’s race, he then got involved in the case of […]

Bogus Ballots and Election Mockery

Mr. William A. Anderson — mastermind behind the 1901 Virginia Constitution — would certainly understand what is happening daily outside the early-voting location in Spotsylvania County. Blatantly deceiving voters. Neither Nick Ignacio — a candidate for clerk of court — nor Steve Maxwell who is running for Spotsylvania Sheriff have Anderson’s acumen. Yet they certainly […]