Belen Rodas knows a thing or two about education. A professed professional student, she holds degrees from Amherst and Georgetown. She’s also a teacher who works with some of our public schools’ most challenging students. She’s running for School Board in Spotsylvania in the Chancellorsville district. She recently spent an hour with FXBG Advance to […]

ANALYSIS: SD 27 Race a Ross Perot-type Moment

Independents in American politics have a long history of being on the fringes, often teetering on the edge of reality. That’s why they’ve proven so entertaining. Saturday Night Live’s spoofs of these individuals have become legendary. Ross Perot in 1992, Herman Cain in 2012, among many others.   Saturday Night Live has long spoofed “crazy” […]

Campaign Fundraising Reports

Candidates’ September financial filings are now available on VPAP, and there are some surprising numbers in local races. We provide a quick look at local races and the fundraising candidates have managed to this point. Because Virginia was redistricted this year, the boundaries have been changed. Click here for an interactive map of Districts. To […]

Candidate Profile – Monica Gary

Editor’s Note: Monica Gary is running as an independent in Senate District 27. She recently sat down with FXBG Advance to talk about her upbringing and its impact on her development as a politician, her priorities should she win, and how running a lean campaign has focused her efforts. FXBGADVANCE: There’s a sensationalist side to […]

A Good Run for Stafford Schools

Schools are under intense scrutiny these days, with people from the governor on down talking about the failure of traditional public education for all. But in Stafford County, the past week has brought a lot of news to celebrate. Last Friday the district released the following news: According to the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) […]

SATIRE: 69 + 69 = Dinner for 4?

Let me be straight – math and I never enjoyed an intimate relationship. Two tumbles with Algebra (once in high school and once in college), I learned, were enough for me. Math was simply out of my league. Praise the Lord I was too dumb to venture deeper into the mysterious world of numbers. Who […]

Help for Students Facing Mental Health Challenges

The drumbeat about declining mental health has been a steady one since the onset of the pandemic. This fact was driven home by the 2022 Rappahannock Area Community Health Assessment that listed “mental health” as the No. 1  most-important health need in our region. Our region is hardly alone. Mental health issues across Virginia are […]

Women’s Health Care and HD 65 Race

It only took a half-hour from the conclusion of Wednesday’s night debate at the University of Mary Washington for Democrat Joshua Cole to put abortion and women’s health at the center of the House District 65 race. In a press release received by FXBG Advance at 8:25, Cole’s team wrote: For the first time, Republican […]

Division in the Spotsylvania Republican Party

There’s a saying among those who follow elections that “Democrats fall in love, and Republicans fall in line.” The insinuation being that in the end, Republicans will vote R on Election Day, regardless of their personal feelings about the candidate because the party is unified in its disdain for Democrats. That saying may have run […]