Yellen, Biden Score a Win in Stafford

Treasury Secretary Yellen celebrated almost 700 homes gaining high-speed internet access in Stafford. Pending additional government funds could connect all Virginians in near future. About two miles from Richland Baptist Church in Stafford, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen was getting a crash course in splicing and testing fiber optic wire on Monday morning when her […]

Negligence, Tax Laws Undermine Schools in Spotsylvania

The Spotsylvania Board of Supervisors has worked for more than 10 years to destroy public education by defunding it. Both political parties see it. The Board can fix it in one easy move. Last fall’s elections in Spotsylvania County were arguably among the most heated in our region. Parents and voters frustrated with a dysfunctional […]

Happy Mother’s Day from the Advance

Our youngest son sent his mom a photo the other day of the night sky. He is far, far from home serving our nation. But even in these trying days, he found beauty in a difficult part of the world – a sky unfettered by the light pollution that keeps us from seeing the universe […]

Pre-Season, but not Dull 

The Republican Forum in Fredericksburg Thursday night offered insights into the range of opinions within the party around foreign affairs – and a few fireworks. If politics were baseball, Thursday night’s Republican Candidates’ forum in Fredericksburg would have been just another preseason game. Of interest only to the most rabid fans. After all, most of […]

Abigail Spanberger Recognized for Bipartisanship

Common Ground’s annual report card is out, and Spanberger earns the top score in the Virginia, and one of the best scores in the nation, for working across the aisle. That the U.S. Congress is often gridlocked in terms of moving effective legislation – see failures to pass a budget, develop effective border policies, or […]

Interview with Kerry Devine

Fredericksburg’s newest mayor has grit, vision, and a love of baseball. Recently, FXBG Advance sat down with Kerry Devine, the newly minted mayor of Fredericksburg to learn more about who she is, her vision for the future of the city, and the joys of bringing new people into a tight-knit but welcoming community. FXBG Advance: […]

News Quiz – May 3

How well do you know your local news? Find out in our new weekly quiz. How well do you know the news in our region? See how well you understand the news that happened over the past week. All the answers are found in the news stories we published from April 19 until April 26. […]

The News That Moved Us This Past Week: April 26 – May 3

The week just past saw a new Battle of the Wilderness, students arrested at UMW, an innovative school lunch program, another person leaving King George, and more bad news for Mary Washington Hospital. Share FXBG Advance 5. Battle of the Wilderness Resumes In May of 1864, the Union and Confederate armies came face to face […]


See and experience the Boy King in a way not previously possible. It’s the perfect get-away for families this summer. When Akhenaten became Pharoah of Egypt during the 18th Dynasty (1539 B.C.E. – 1292 B.C.E.), he threw Egyptian society into chaos by ending the worship of all gods but one – Aten; the sun disk. […]

Virginia Is for Lovers of Creative Colors

Local print shop wins major contract to design, produce, market, and distribute one of the most iconic marketing slogans ever developed for a state. There are lots of interesting tourism slogans. “Sweet Home, Alabama” – Nice song, but sounds better backed by Lynyrd Skynyrd than on a road sign. “Dream Big” – You’d think a […]