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BREAKING NEWS: King George Director of Finance Resigns

- March 9, 2024

by Martin Davis

The FXBG Advance has learned that another senior county employee in King George is reportedly leaving. Donna Hahn, the county’s director of finance, apparently resigned her position on Friday according to a source who requested anonymity. This brings to at least five the total number of senior employees who have left their offices.

Per previous reporting, the King George Board of Supervisors “accepted the resignation” of County Administrator Chris Miller and County Attorney Kelly Lackey at its January 2 organizational meeting, following a lengthy closed session.

Also at that meeting, Board Chair Collins announced that the board “had reached a consensus to withdraw the title of deputy county administrator from Mr. Derrick Mestler,” who held that title in addition to that of human resources director.

Hahn’s apparent resignation comes at a time when Board Chair T.C. Collins is playing an increasingly active role in the day-to-day administration of the county.

On February 5, he sent a memo to all county department heads, informing them that per Virginia Code, he would be taking on the duties of the daily administration of the county.

The memo references the relevant Code section, which states, “In the event that there is no chief administrative officer, it shall be the duty of the chairman or mayor, as the case may be, to see that the functions … are carried out if the governing body has not acted otherwise.”

Collins directed all department heads to “date and sign this memo, and return a paper copy by February 9, 2024, to the Administration Office.”

This is a developing story, and the Advance continues to pursue details.

- Published posts: 364

by Martin Davis EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

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