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Votes, Civics, and A 'Difficult Space'

- October 16, 2023

In This Issue: The New Dominion Podcast – Michael Bush | Commentary: Why laws don’t matter without civic virtue | Theater Review: Misery

New Dominion Podcast

Michael Bush is a candidate for supervisor in Spotsylvania County’s Courtland District. Bush talks to us about his time at Chancellor High School, his experiences at Christopher Newport University, and his motivations to run for public office. Just skip to the 35:45 and 40:00 mark for a real moment. Thank you, Ms. Foreman!

Votes, Civics, and A ‘Difficult Space’

NOW came to Spotsylvania on Sunday afternoon, but abortion access wasn’t the driving issue. Rather, it was bringing awareness to voter manipulation by Nick Ignacio (candidate for Clerk of Court in Spotsylvania) and Steve Maxwell (candidate for sheriff) at the Early Voting site in Spotsylvania.

The blatant misinformation these two have been pushing is a concern not only for citizens locally, but for the health of democracy in this region moving forward.

The question that circulates among those in the county who have learned of the issue, but don’t necessarily track politics closely, is a good one. “Can’t we do something about this?”

According to Sen. Jeremy McPike, D-SD 29, this is playing out in a “difficult space.”

There appears to be no specific law in the Virginia State Code that prevents people from passing out misinformation at the polls, though a case could be made.

Unfortunately, that’s a case that would have to play out between the state Board of Elections and the court system. So while it’s possible to revise the code to address this particular concern, the election will be long past by the time that conclusion is reached.

Hence, the “difficult space” that this situation is playing out in.

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