FXBG Advance
- June 9, 2024
67 views 9 min

School districts are set to act on smartphone bans. That’s good. But failing to define what problem they hope to address means smartphone bans could fail before they’re ever implemented. Tonight, Fredericksburg City Schools looks to become another in the line of divisions regionally and across the nation to join the smartphone-ban movement. Huzzah! Now […]

by Martin Davis EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ...
FXBG Advance
- June 2, 2024
99 views 18 min

… but bans won’t deliver the results people expect until adults realize their own complicity in the issue. Editor’s Note: Welcome to the first in an occasional series about the state of education in the 540. These essays feature those on the frontlines of education who also respect research, appreciate the complexities of policy, and […]

by Martin Davis EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ...