FXBG Advance
- May 24, 2024
42 views 8 min

Looking to get involved with others concerned about protecting the environment? Here’s a list of organizations in and around Fredericksburg, and what they do. by Bruce SallerWRITER Over the past several months, this column has explored some practical steps we can all take to lessen our carbon footprint. But there’s power in numbers, and getting […]

FXBG Advance
- March 4, 2024
16 views 4 min

by Abby KnowlesINTERN Last weekend, the University of Mary Washington hosted the fourth annual Youth Climate Conference to educate the public on the current climate crisis and how the community of Fredericksburg can work together to help save our planet. The event included speakers and presentations by area youth, including high school students. Twenty-year-old Sena […]

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