FXBG Advance
- May 2, 2024
46 views 2 min

Dirty filters, built up air pressure cause for inefficiencies in many homes. by Bruce SallerGUEST WRITER The heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system works hard enough on both cool and warm days to keep people comfortable. Don’t make it work harder by restricting its airflow.  A dirty air filter can reduce your system’s efficiency […]

FXBG Advance
- March 29, 2024
51 views 4 min

by Bruce SallerWRITER Heating and cooling our homes is the source of our greatest energy use according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.  There are two efficiency ratings for a heat pump: SEER – Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio – is the number that represents the average cooling output in British Thermal Units per Watt-Hour (BTUs/WH).  […]

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