FXBG Advance
- August 12, 2024
17 views 2 min

EDA will act as “pass through” for city funds to initiate the study. Fredericksburg City is taking preliminary steps towards determining whether a data center can be constructed on several parcels of land in Celebrate Virginia South. On Monday, the Fredericksburg Economic Development Authority agreed to accept $200,000 in city funds to initiate a feasibility […]

Managing Editor and Correspondent ...
FXBG Advance
- August 12, 2024
20 views 6 min

A request to help fund a street outreach position to aid the homeless on the city’s streets was met with skepticism, with one EDA member saying it’s a “Band-Aid” that doesn’t solve the problem. The Fredericksburg Economic Development Authority indicated Monday morning that its support for addressing issues of homelessness in downtown Fredericksburg will not […]

Managing Editor and Correspondent ...