FXBG Advance
- August 16, 2024
20 views 6 min

By Eric BondsGUEST COLUMNIST Sociologists study climate denialism. One variety of climate denialism has historically been promoted by the fossil fuels industry, arguing that the science is muddled and that global warming either isn’t real, or that contemporary rates of warming aren’t being caused by human activity. Fortunately, surveys show that this variety of climate […]

FXBG Advance
- August 12, 2024
12 views 2 min

EDA will act as “pass through” for city funds to initiate the study. Fredericksburg City is taking preliminary steps towards determining whether a data center can be constructed on several parcels of land in Celebrate Virginia South. On Monday, the Fredericksburg Economic Development Authority agreed to accept $200,000 in city funds to initiate a feasibility […]

Managing Editor and Correspondent ...
FXBG Advance
- July 30, 2024
29 views 12 min

A stagnant economy would damage the environment, while bad environmental practices would impede the creation of economic opportunities. By Curry RobertsGUEST OPINION WRITER In reading the recent FXBG Advance article “Local Sierra Club Chapter, Friends of Rappahannock Host Information Session on Data Center,” several things struck me as interesting.  This is not meant to create […]

FXBG Advance
- May 2, 2024
38 views 6 min

Preservation groups hope new “endangered historic site” designation will prevent massive development project. In May of 1864, the Union and Confederate armies came face to face in the thickets of old growth forest along the Orange Turnpike and Plank Road along what now along the Orange County/Spotsylvania County line. It was the beginning of the […]

Managing Editor and Correspondent ...
FXBG Advance
- March 13, 2024
62 views 3 min

Gov. Glenn Youngkin and Amazon Web Services formally announced the company’s $35 billion dollar investment in data centers at Germanna Community College. To truly understand the word “billion,” some context is necessary. Jeff Black of the Caroline County Board of Supervisors provided that frame of reference at Germanna Community College on Wednesday morning where Gov. […]

by Martin Davis EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ...