FXBG Advance
- August 23, 2024
12 views 3 min

Congresswoman cites longtime concerns of Mayfield residents in need for a thorough review of area rail operations. Rep. Abigail Spanberger is pressing the Federal Railroad Administration to conduct an incident review of the July CSX derailment that damaged property in the Cobblestone Square neighborhood in Fredericksburg. In a letter to Administrator Amit Bose today, Spanberger […]

Managing Editor and Correspondent ...
FXBG Advance
- August 14, 2024
22 views 5 min

The representative, City Council, and residents want to know how CSX will prevent future derailments. Directly behind the five CSX freight cars that derailed behind the Cobblestone Square neighborhood in Fredericksburg City last month were eight more carrying molten sulfur—which is flammable and can release hydrogen sulfide, a poisonous gas, when it burns. Those cars […]

Managing Editor and Correspondent ...
FXBG Advance
- July 24, 2024
30 views 7 min

Trains running close to residential areas are nothing new; neither are efforts to mitigate issues involving derailments and transporting toxic materials. By Hank SilverbergCORRESPONDENT A study done 17 years ago on hazardous materials and security concerns for the Nation’s Capital included at least two alternatives that might have taken freight traffic completely out of the […]

FXBG Advance
- July 22, 2024
0 views 7 min

About three trains a day derail in the U.S., most at low speed in rail yards. Train derailments are far from unusual. In 2022, for example, there were “at least 1,164 train derailments across the country,” according a report filed by National Public Radio. That works out to about three derailments per day in the […]

by Martin Davis EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ...
FXBG Advance
- July 21, 2024
23 views 5 min

A resident of Cobblestone Square describes Saturday night’s train derailment. Editor’s Note: Suha Charney lives in the Cobblestone Square apartments, the site of a trail derailment Saturday evening. The Advance spoke to her Sunday afternoon about the experience. FXBG Advance: How did you learn about the derailment? Suha Charney: I didn’t hear it happen, which […]

Managing Editor and Correspondent ...