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Summit Highlights the Importance of "Regionalism"

- January 31, 2024

Event organized by the area Chamber of Commerce is “an intentional step towards a regional conversation.”

- Published posts: 315

Managing Editor and Correspondent

    Mary and Erik Nelson

    I had hoped this article would generate some discussion. It describes a promising event with potentially positive impacts, but no. My suspicion is that most of us have seen these events reported over several decades, without any appreciable follow-up. The leadership is simply not there to do more than convene prominent local folks in a room and talk a good game. It might be instructive to look at the one regional organization that is mandated by federal law, the Fredericksburg Area Metropolitan Planning Organization. This organization MUST develop a regional transportation plan every few years to be eligible for state and federal transportation dollars. With millions upon millions of transportation dollars on the line, there are real consequences for not cooperating. The effort is frought with conflict and parochialism, but the mandate stands. Too many people, however, see FAMPO as a technical nightmare populated by transportation nerds. They also see the process as painfully drawn out, with approved projects required to wait years before being funded. Too bad. Infrastructure dictates how a region will grow and develop and decisions made today will be felt into the next century. To see how seriously localities take this effort, look at who they appoint to be on the FAMPO committee. Some recognize FAMPO’s importance and appoint mature, far-seeing members. Others can’t be bothered and dump that responsibility on the new guys. It can be an expensive learning curve with consequences that extend far into the future. The potential success of any regional organization can be seen in how we manage FAMPO from year to year.