King George High School Hosts Reverse Career Fair

By Abby KnowlesINTERN King George High School last month hosted its first ever “Reverse Career Fair,” giving students a chance to showcase their career aspirations and abilities to more than 50 professionals.  At a reverse career fair, job seekers – in this case, students – make display boards to promote themselves and highlight their qualifications […]

King George Supervisors Have Outspent a Budget Line Item by $10,000

by Adele UphausMANAGING EDITOR AND CORRESPONDENT With three months left to go in the current fiscal year, the King George County Board of Supervisors has exceeded its budget for office supplies by at least $10,000, largely due to purchases made in December and January of this year, after the November election ushered in new Board […]

Local Realtors Association Responds to Last Week’s Settlement Agreement

By Adele UphausMANAGING EDITOR AND CORRESPONDENT The Fredericksburg Area Association of Realtors said this week that it welcomes the proposed settlement agreement reached last week by the National Association of Realtors and litigants in federal court. “FAAR stands ready to support our REALTOR® members who work so diligently on behalf of their clients as we […]

Bringing Lafayette’s Journeys to Life

A University of Mary Washington student and a professor have created a map featured at the Fredericksburg Area Museum showcasing the travels of Lafayette in America. by Lisa Chinn MarvashtiUNIVERSITY OF MARY WASHINGTON University of Mary Washington senior Brooke Prevedel and Professor of Geography Steve Hanna spent more than 100 hours making the map at the center of a new Fredericksburg Area Museum […]

Spanberger Introduces Bill to Name Post Office After Gladys P. Todd

A bill introduced in Congress last week would name the post office at 1285 Emancipation Highway after noted local teacher and civil rights advocate Gladys P. Todd. Rep. Abigail Spanberger, who sponsored the legislation, said Todd stood out to her as someone who impacted the community in many ways during her life and whose legacy […]

Filling News Deserts

Hank Silverberg is a long-time local resident and the newest member of the Advance’s editorial team. He wrote the following piece for his blog, Time to Think.