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Missing Books – Some of Them – Back in School Division Central Office

- January 29, 2024

The books were banned from school libraries last year and then taken to the Friends of the Jefferson-Madison Regional Library’s book sale in the fall.

- Published posts: 321

Managing Editor and Correspondent

    Shaun Kenney

    Good on those who are answering the call of conscience.

    Now — where are the rest of the books?

    Mary Ann

    Thank you, Adele – a timely and well written update.

    Dawn Shelley

    Have charges been files against the people who took the books and didn’t surplus school property correctly?

    Becky Murray

    Thank you, Adele. Well reported, as usual.

    I agree with Shaun Kenny. Where are the rest of the books? Every book should be accounted for and if they are not found Mark Taylor should be held accountable. He’s the guy at the top, hired and paid grandly to run the school division. Additionally, if the books are damaged, that should also be on Mark Taylor’s shoulders. I agree with Ms. Shelley. If property is missing and proper procedures not followed, charges should be filed.

    Sara Toye

    Ditto, Dawn Shelley and Becky Murray. Disposing of school property such as a pencil without documentation is one thing. Disposing of a quantity of books without documentation is something entirely different.


    I like the idea of auctioning off the damaged books that are not in a condition to be returned to shelves so some funds can be gathered to assist in replacing those copies. We have quite a budget deficit and I’m sure a number of us who advocated for those books to remain on the shelves would not mind helping to reduce the funds needed to replace the damaged copies.