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Letters to the Editor for July 21, 2024

- July 20, 2024

A solution to book-banning; 20 Questions

A Solution to Book Banning

Earlier this month, Jen Peterson filed a 200-page petition in Circuit Court to remove books containing “pornography” from our school libraries. This issue has been fought over by both sides of the isle for several years now. Unfortunately, neither side is interested in actually dealing with the issue.

Why do I say this? Because the solution is simple, yet neither side seems to seriously discuss it. All it takes is a little common sense. Are there books that are not appropriate for school libraries? Most definitely. The problem lies in what your definition of appropriate is.

Let’s discuss the process that Spotsylvania County uses when a complaint is filed about a book. The first step is staff looks at the book. If they agree it’s inappropriate, the book is removed (and some have been at this level). 

If a book is not removed by staff, then it is sent to an ad hoc committee of mostly parents who are required to read the entire book. The committee then makes a recommendation if the book is appropriate for schools, along with which grade levels. If the book is determined appropriate, the original complainant may file an appeal. Then a second committee of parents is formed to again read the entire book and make a determination.

This sounds great. The problem is we have groups on both sides of the isle who yell for parents’ rights, but only if they agree with the decision.

Can we all agree different parents have different beliefs about what is appropriate for their children? No one has the right to dictate to a parent how they should raise their child. This includes exposing children to literature that some parents don’t want their child reading. If we can all stop yelling at each other, the compromise solution is simple.

  1. If a book survives both parent committees, it is allowed to stay in the library for the levels determined by those committees.
  2. The school publishes a list on its website with a complete list of these books with the option for parents to curtail access to each book by title on the school website. This can be part of the yearly registration process that happens online.
  3. The school system already has the capability to email parents every time your child checks out a book. If this is implemented, parents can review anything from the library the child is checking out.

With a compromise such as this, any parent who does not want their child having access to The Handmaid’s Tale or any other book can easily block access, but a parent who feels it’s an important piece of literature can allow their child to read it.

It’s time we start looking for actual solutions to problems instead of standing on a soap box and yelling about them.

Rich Lieberman

20 Questions

Let’s play 20 questions:

  1. Do you know what “critical race theory” is?
  2. Should schools protect students from factual history?
  3. Was slavery legal and profitable for white Americans?
  4. Do African-American students need to be protected from that truth?
  5. Do we need to obscure the details of broken treaties and the Trail of Tears so that American Indian students won’t feel guilty?
  6. Did Adolph Hitler’s Nazis follow the example of the Ku Klux Klan when they terrorized Jews and seized the land and property that was left behind?
  7. Should we hide the truth from Jews and African-Americans for their own benefit?
  8. Are we ready to admit that opposing C.R.T. or simply whitewashing our history is an attempt to protect a particular audience, namely young white Christians?
  9. In so doing, are we (yes, I am an old white man) controlling the narrative for our own benefit?

A break in the game to consider The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. 

As the reporter says, “When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.” 

  1. Are we guarding the self-esteem of our young, or keeping our legends alive by passing them along, reinforcing them? 
  2. Who decides which parts of history need to be obscured for the greater good?
  3. How much influence should parents wield, especially if her father can control the lessons offered to everyone else’s child? (Never mind that my father can beat up your father. nyah, nyah)
  4. If uncomfortable history is ignored or swept under the carpet, what distinguishes the result from propaganda? (Joseph Goebbels was Minister of Propaganda. At least the Nazis admitted what they were doing.) 
  1. Do you believe the justification of “to the victors, the spoils”?
  2. Are you content with the notion that history is written by the victors? 
  3. Would it not be more appropriate to say, history is rewritten to suit the victors?
  4. Are we as white Christians the victors? 
  5. Are we trying to fool God by rewriting history to suit ourselves?
  6. Think He will go for that?

As Hickey said in The Iceman Cometh, “The lie of a pipe dream is what gives life to the whole misbegotten mad lot of us…”   –Eugene O’Neill

  1. Are we concerned with our childrens’ self-esteem or our own?

Hugh Lowry

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- Published posts: 368

by Martin Davis EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

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