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HOLIDAY PROFILE: Hanging Out at Possum-bilities

- December 14, 2023

This downtown store covers a lot of ground – education, clothing, art, science, and more. At the end of the day, however, Possum-bilities is just a wonderful, feel-good, happy kind of place.

by Martin Davis

Business Name: Possum-bilities
Location: 211 William Street
Regular Business Hours:
Thursday – Monday
Website: www.awesomepossumz.com
Instagram: @awesomepossumz1
Facebook: Possum-bilities in the Burg2

Half the fun of strolling through Possum-bilities is watching people walk past the cage near the register, peak in, walk away, and double-back.

“Want to pet our ambassador possum?” store owner Karen Brace frequently asks. Increasingly, the answer is “Yes.”

The only native marsupial in the U.S. and Canada, possums are among the most-misunderstood wild animals people encounter. Brace, a wildlife rehabilitator, is in business to change that.

- Published posts: 251

by Martin Davis EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

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