King George County Withholding Records Related to Complaints Against Board Chair

by Adele UphausMANAGING EDITOR AND CORRESPONDENT King George County is withholding in their entirety 34 pages of records responsive to a request under the Freedom of Information Act for emails referencing complaints against Board of Supervisors Chair T.C. Collins. The Advance on February 29 requested “emails sent by King George County employees to county Human […]

What’s Going on in King George County?

by Adele UphausMANAGING EDITOR AND CORRESPONDENT A new Board of Supervisors took office in King George County in January. Two months later, at least four senior county employees have resigned, and until last week, the Board Chair, T.C. Collins, was acting as County Administrator. The Board “accepted the resignation” of County Administrator Chris Miller and […]

Stafford County Proposed Budget for 2025 is Over $1 Billion

County Administrator’s budget would fully fund school division, Superintendent’s proposed budget, provide pay increases for government and public safety employees. by Adele UphausMANAGING EDITOR AND CORRESPONDENT For the first time, the proposed budget for Stafford County is over $1 billion. “This is very significant,” said County Administrator Randall Vosburg during his presentation of the budget […]

BOS Requests Revote on Elementary School 19 Location

by Adele UphausMANAGING EDITOR AND CORRESPONDENT The Stafford Board of Supervisors voted on Tuesday to draft a letter asking the School Board to stop work on building Elementary School 19 at Brooke Point High School. Instead, it will ask the School Board to vote for a third time on accepting a proffered school site in […]

City Council Adopts Capital Impact Study

It’s a reference guide showing the impact of development on public schools and other infrastructure, used to negotiate voluntary proffers for new development. by Adele UphausMANAGING EDITOR AND CORRESPONDENT City Council on February 13 adopted an updated capital impact study that it will use as a reference for negotiating cash proffers with developers. A capital […]

Stafford School Board Approves Budget

Total to be requested from Board of Supervisors later this month is $457.2 million The Stafford School Board on Tuesday approved an operating budget for next fiscal year that will take a step towards improving the salary scale for non-licensed service staff. The board approved by a 6-to-1 vote a $457.2 million budget that includes […]

Spotsylvania School Board Approves Budget

Board members will present the $480 million budget for fiscal year 2025 to the Board of Supervisors later this month. Also, the Board holds a closed session. By Adele UphausMANAGING EDITOR AND CORRESPONDENT The Spotsylvania School Board on Monday approved a $480.4 million budget for fiscal year 2025, which begins July 1. The bulk of that amount—$418.3 […]