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Embattled Spotsy School Board Holds Final Meeting

- December 13, 2023

The marathon gathering featured approval of minutes from last year that had been altered, a raise for the people on the dais and approval of settlement agreements for two unnamed litigants.

- Published posts: 321

Managing Editor and Correspondent

    Leo B Watkins

    Once again, Ms Uphaus delivers important and informative news that would likely be missed without such diligence and determination. We are well served.

    As for the content, man, what a hot mess.

    Poor Spotsy. Hang on, January’s coming.

    On another note; after reading Chairperson Phelp’s remarks – I would like to report that I am a victim too. And that’s my reality.

    I’m not sure of what, but hey – doesn’t sound like it matters.

    When can I expect MY check?

    PS: Before Christmas would be great. I’ve still got some shopping to do……


    Dawn Shelley

    The fact that the board majority passed out the amended policy without sharing it with the public is a FOIA violation. The law states something like, when materials are made available to the board, at least one copy is to be made public at the same time. Sadly, I was so surprised by them passing it out, I wasn’t thinking about FOIA to call them out.