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Daniels wrongly accused in text messages

- November 3, 2023

Salem District voters received text messages from Spotsylvania County Republican Committee accusing Daniels of using kids as guinea pigs. Also in this issue: Micah Ministries holds annual memorial.

by Adele Uphaus

Some voters in Spotsylvania’s Salem District have received a text message stating that Lorita Daniels, the incumbent School Board representative, voted “for boys to compete in girls’ sports and to use girls’ bathrooms.” 

“Dr. Daniels believes our kids should be guinea pigs to experiment with gender ideology and other politically motivated theories,” the message reads.

The message is accompanied by a photo of Daniels taken earlier this year by a Free Lance-Star photographer and the disclaimer “Paid for and authorized by the Spotsylvania County Republican Committee.”  

It urges Salem District residents to vote for Daniels’s opponent, Chris Harris. 

The message does not provide further information about the vote it is referencing. The only vote on gender-related issues taken by the School Board this year was the Aug. 14 vote to implement the Virginia Department of Education’s model policy on the treatment of transgender students. 

The board voted 4-to-2 to implement the model policy, with Daniels and Battlefield district representative Nicole Cole voting against implementation. 

At the meeting, Daniels said she could not support the model policy because she felt it went against federal policy. 

The federal civil rights law commonly known as “Title IX” states that, “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” 

Spotsylvania County Public Schools receives funding from the federal government, and Daniels said she worries about losing out on that funding for Title IX violations. 

She also pushed back against the assertion on the part of board members who supported the new policy that a vote against it is a vote against parents’ rights.

“This is not about parents’ rights,” Daniels said. “When we are putting our children in harm’s way, we should take pause.” 

Rabih Abuismail, chair of the Spotsylvania County Republican Committee, did not immediately respond to questions from the Advance about the message. 

Abuismail is also a member of the Spotsylvania School Board and voted in support of implementing the new policy. 

The Advance also asked Daniels about the ad. 

“Let’s talk facts and stop grappling at straws,” Daniels said in a text message. “My supporters know me and they know where I stand. Misinformation is popular and all around us and it is up to the well-informed constituents to know the truth. As an educator, I believe that all children have a right to a fair and decent education where they can thrive in a supportive environment. 

To speak lies without proof is a poor representation of the opponent and we as a county should want someone in office who has integrity about the business of our children.” 

Registrar says she is fighting misinformation

With Election Day looming, Spotsylvania’s general registrar, Kelly Acors, told the Advance that she and her team have been working hard all election cycle to combat the “inconsistent and wrong” information that is being shared on social media and especially at the early voting location. 

On Thursday, the registrar’s Facebook page Spotsylvania Votes posted under a banner reading “Myths v. Facts” that the office does not count any votes until the polls close on Election Day. 

In an Oct. 12 email to all candidates, Acors asked candidates and their volunteers to please refrain from digging in the trash to reuse sample ballots and from wearing a yellow vest. 

“Wearing a yellow vest has given the illusion that inhabitant(s) are under Oath and working for our office. We have voters assuming that if wearing a vest and assisting in that way, an individual is more than likely a County employee,” Acors wrote. 

Nick Ignacio, a candidate for clerk of Circuit Court, was frequently seen wearing a yellow vest at the early voting location. 

In an Oct. 14 response to Acors’s email, Ignacio said he was wearing the yellow vest to protect himself from being hit by a car. 

“If you have a question or problem, rather than share inaccurate information on social media – call our office and speak with staff,” Acors wrote. “We are not inclined to lie, cheat, act against the law, nor are we a destructive form of government willing to go to jail for the outrageous matters we are accused of.”

Earlier in October, the registrar’s Facebook page posted a picture of the official county sample ballots, to help voters understand the difference between those and the misleading ballots being distributed by Ignacio and others.  

“Candidates will hand out their own sample ballots,” the Oct. 5 post reads. “These are the OFFICIAL county sample ballots.” 

On Sep. 27, the page posted a letter from Acors to the community along with a press release about a blocked ballot bin on the voting scanner that was cleared with election officials from both political parties present and serving under oath.

“If you have a question or problem, rather than share inaccurate information on social media – call our office and speak with staff,” Acors wrote. “We are not inclined to lie, cheat, act against the law, nor are we a destructive form of government willing to go to jail for the outrageous matters we are accused of.” 

In an email to the Advance, Acors said the misinformation being spread this election cycle is worse than it has ever been. 

“I’ve always said local elections are harder than a Presidential (until 2020!) but this year has topped them all,” Acors wrote in an email to the Advance. “It bothers us the most and (it) is disheartening (to hear) the voters that call after they vote and are upset with many factors from early voting and feel they voted not in the way they meant.”

The last day of early voting in Virginia is this Saturday, Nov. 4. On Election Day – Tuesday, Nov. 7 – Acors wants to remind voters that they will vote at their precinct location, not at the registrar’s office or the early voting location. 

Micah Ministries holds annual Memorial Service

by Adele Uphaus

Melissa Brewster, 45, was a talented artist and a self-described “old soul” who was still battling her demons but hoped to become a peer recovery specialist one day. 

Sandra Caldwell, 72, loved strawberry popsicles, her Boston terrier Daisy May and her partner, Mike, insisting as her health failed that she stay in the hotel room they shared so she would never have to leave his side. 

Walter Chinault, 59, worked as a carpenter and helped construct many of the buildings in Fredericksburg. 

And Charles Cutchin, 66, was known throughout the Micah community for his “philosophizing,” as he called it. 

“I’m like soup, just warmed up,” he’d say, or “Excuse me, Mr. Pistol, I didn’t know you were loaded.” About a friend, he’d say, “We go way back, like Cadillac seats.”

These Fredericksburg residents are among the 24 homeless and formerly homeless members of the Micah Ecumenical Ministries community that died in the past year. 

The churches of Micah celebrated their lives at the annual All Saints Day service, held Thursday evening outside Fredericksburg United Methodist church downtown. 

A tent was set up to represent each person and as staff of Micah read their names and remembrances, a flashlight was lit inside each tent. 

The youngest person memorialized Thursday was Christian Kinsella, who was just 21 years old. Caldwell, at 72, was the oldest. 

According to research conducted last year by Rebecca Brown, a senior fellow at the University of Pennsylvania’s Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics, the average life expectancy of a homeless person is 42 to 52 years old. If assistance isn’t available until someone reaches 65 years old, then he or she may be dead by then.

“We are increasingly trying to take care of this community better than we did and 18 years from now, I hope we’re a community where nobody sleeps outside.” 

Micah is working towards opening Jeremiah Community, a neighborhood of tiny homes with on-site supportive services for the chronically homeless – those who have been homeless for a year or more and have an underlying condition such as a serious mental illness, substance use disorder or physical disability.

The organization is preparing to submit an application for rezoning of a parcel of land off Bragg Road in Fredericksburg, executive director Meghann Cotter said. 

But Cotter said she is already grieving the fact that by the time Jeremiah Community opens, many of those Micah currently works with will no longer be alive. 

“The reality is that we’re building a place where people can have the support for whatever is left of their life with the best chance possible,” Cotter said. “We are increasingly trying to take care of this community better than we did and 18 years from now, I hope we’re a community where nobody sleeps outside.” 

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-Martin Davis, Editor

    Mary Ingles

    Today is trash pickup in my neighborhood. When my trash can was missing I called the City. Their reply is that all trash cans are being replaced. Really? What about the plastic crisis? Can you address this sometime,please. What is our recourse? Whose unilateral decision was this?

    Sara Toye

    The people making this type of false accusation are not fit to serve in public office. They are liars, they are unethical, they have no scruples and they are trying to steal elections by spreading false and misleading information. Beating an opponent fairly is part of our cherished system of government, but trying to win this way is anathema to what we hold so dear. If you have not voted, please do a little research and see what Dr. Daniels really stands for.

    Michele Schiesser

    From: Spotsylvania County Public Schools
    Date: August 18, 2023 at 1:41:20 PM EDT
    Subject: School Board Meeting Highlights (8-14-23)
    Reply-To: [email protected]
    Highlights from Spotsylvania County School Board Meeting
    On Monday, August 14th, Spotsylvania County Public Schools became the first school division in Virginia to adopt Governor Youngkin’s Model Policy on Privacy, Dignity, and Respect for.
    Students and Parents: Kirk Twigg, Rabih Abuismail, April Gillespie, and Lisa Phelps voted yes;
    Nicole Cole and Lorita Daniels voted no; Dawn Shelley abstained.
    This means that from now on:
    • SCPS staff must refer to students by their birth name and biological sex unless parental/guardian permission is given to do otherwise. This does not include nicknames commonly associated with a student’s given name (i.e. “Bob” instead of “Robert” or “Alex” instead of “Alexander.”)
    • Students’ participation in gendered, competitive sports will be based on biological sex.
    • Access to bathrooms, locker rooms, and other intimate spaces is based on birth sex, except in cases where parents/guardians have officially designated a change of gender on the basis of clinical diagnosis.
    Included in last night’s consent agenda were the approval of book donations from Kirk
    Cameron’s Brave Books along with a change to policy language concerning charter schools, changing the submittal date for charter school applications from September 30th to December 20th. These items passed 6-1.
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    Dr. Daniels voted against Gov. Youngkin’s policy above. Talk about mis-information.

    Michele Schiesser

    To establish clear and useful guidance to Spotsylvania County Public Schools on how to fulfill the requirements of § 22.1-23.3 of the Code of Virginia (the “Act) in accordance with the plain meaning of its provisions.
    Terms and ohrases used herein are detined as follows:
    As set forth in Code of Virginia § 22.1-1, the term “parent” or ‘parents” shall mean “any parent, guardian, legal custodian, or other person having control or charge of a child.”
    The word “sex” means biological sex.
    The phrase “transgender student shall mean a public school student whose parent has stated in writing that the student’s gender differs from the student’s sex or an eligible student who
    states in writing that his or her gender ditters from his or her sex.
    An “eligible student” is a student or former student who is 18 years of age or older or a student under the age of 18 who is emancipated. See Code of Virginia § 16.1-331 et seq.
    Model Policies
    Spotsylvania County Public Schools complies with all applicable federal and state on discrimination laws, including Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. §§ 1681-1688 and the Virginia Human Rights Act, Code of Virginia § 2.2-3900.
    Maintenance of a safe and supportive learning environment free from discrimination and harassment for all students:
    The Spotsylvania County Public Schools prohibits all discrimination and will comply with all applicable nondiscrimination laws.
    School personnel shall be trained annually on health and mental wellness support to, and safety of, all students.
    Each school shall make reasonably available, with available resources, guidance, and counseling services to all students as provided in 8 VAC 20-620-10 and pursuant to parental notification requirements therein, including that, “[njo student shall be required to participate in any counseling program to which the student’s parents object.” Except with regard to eligible students, parents must be informed and given an opportunity to object
    before counseling services pertaining to gender are gren
    Page 2
    At the request of parents, the Spotsylvania County Public Schools should designate an administrator or counselor to speak, together with the student’s parents (except in the case of eligible students), with any student regarding questions pertaining to gender. This provision should not apply with regard to eligible students.
    Prevention of and response to bullying and harassment:
    Spotsylvania County Public Schools provides bullying prevention education in accordance with Code of Virginia § 22.1-208.01.
    Any incident or complaint of discrimination, harassment, or bullying shall be given prompt attention, including investigating the incident and taking appropriate corrective and/or disciplinary action, by the school administrator.
    Bullying of any student by another student, for any reason, cannot be tolerated in our schools. Intervening immediately to stop bullying on the spot can help ensure a safer
    The Deputy Superintendent shall be available to hear concerns from students and parents
    when complaints are not resolved arte school level.
    Spotsylvania County Public Schools shall inform parents of any bullying incidents that involve their child within 24 hours of learning of the allegation of bullying, per the requirements of Code of Virginia § 22.1-279.6(D).
    Maintenance of student records:
    Spotsylvania County Public Schools is required to maintain an official record for each

    Michele Schiesser

    Schools may be required to use or report a student’s legal name or sex in some situations
    Spotsylvania County Public Schools shall change the legal name or sex in a student or former student’s official record only if a parent or eligible student submits a legal document, such as a birth certificate, state- or federal-issued identification, passport, or court order substantiating the student or former student’s change of legal name or sex.
    Identification of students:
    Every effort should be made to ensure that a transgender student wishing to change his or her means of address is treated with respect, compassion. and dignity in the classroom
    and school environment.
    Spotsylvania County Public Schools personnel shall refer to each student using only (i) the name that appears in the student’s official record, or (ii) if the student prefers, using any nickname commonly associated with the name that appears in the student’s official record Nothing in this policy shall prevent Spotsylvania County Public Schools personnel from using a different name for a student when it is necessary for the student’s academic instruction, such as using a name more common in a foreign country while in a foreign-language course.
    Spotsylvania County Public Schools personnel shall refer to each student using only the pronouns appropriate to the sex appearing in the student’s official record – that is, male pronouns for a student whose sex is male, and female pronouns for a student whose sex is female.
    Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs (2) and (3) of this section, Spotsylvania County Public Schools personnel shall refer to a student by a name other than one in the student’s official record, or by pronouns other than those appropriate to the sex appearing in the student’s official record, only if an eligible student or a student’s parent has instructed Spotsylvania County Public Schools in writing that such other name or other pronouns be used.
    Page 3
    Any written instruction from a parent or eligible student under paragraph (4) of this section
    shall be memorialized in the students oficial record and subject to the same retention. disclosure, and confidentiality requirements as the official record itself. The legal name and sex of a student shall not be changed, even upon the written instruction of a parent or eligible student, except as specified in section (C)(2).
    Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (4) of this section, Spotsylvania County Public Schools shall not compel Spotsylvania County Public Schools personnel or other students to address or refer to students in any manner that would violate their constitutionally protected rights.
    No policy, guidance, training, or other written material issued by the Spotsylvania County Public Schools may encourage or instruct teachers to conceal material information about a student from the student’s parent, including information related to gender. Provided, however, that Spotsylvania County Public Schools will comply with all laws that prohibit disclosure of information to parents, including but not limited to Code of Virginia § 22.1-272.1(B) (prohibiting parental contact where student is at imminent risk of suicide related to parental abuse or neglect).
    Protection of student privacy and the confidentiality of sensitive information:
    Spotsylvania County Public Schools shall comply with the limitations on access to student records provided in Code of Virginia §§ 22.1-287 through 289.01;
    Spotsylvania County Public Schools shall adhere to legal standards of confidentiality relating to sensitive student information and personally identifiable data covered by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1232g; and Spotsylvania County Public Schools shall disclose sensitive student information (including any survey or evaluation related to the student’s gender) only (i) to the student, the student’s parents (except in the case of eligible students), and school personnel with a legitimate educational interest, or (i) when required by law.
    Enforcement of sex-based dress codes:
    Students may dress in any manner consistent with maintaining a respectful, distraction-free environment which supports a focus on learning for all students.
    Students are not required to dress in a gender-neutral manner. However. any dress or grooming code shal provide the same set or rules and standards regardless of gender, as required by the Code of Virginia § 22.1-279.6.
    Student participation in sex-specific school activities and events and use of school facilities.
    For any school program, event, or activity (including extracurricular activities) that are separated by sex, the appropriate participation of students shall be determined by sex rather than gender or gender identity. Spotsylvania County Public Schools shall provide

    Michele Schiesser

    separated by sex, the appropriate participation of students shall be determined by sex rather than gender or gender identity. Spotsylvania County Public Schools shall provide reasonable modifications to this policy only to the extent required by law.
    Where state or federal law requires schools to permit transgender students to share otherwise sex-segregated facilities (such as bathrooms or locker rooms) with students of the opposite sex, parents should be given the right to opt their child out of using such facilities, and the child should be given access to alternative facilities that promote the child’s privacy and safety. Eligible students should also be given the right to opt out of using such facilities and be given access to alternative facilities
    Page 4
    Overnight travel accommodations, locker rooms, and other intimate spaces used for school-related activities and events shall be based on sex. Spotsylvania County Public Schools shall provide reasonable modifications to this policy only to the extent required by
    Students shall use bathrooms that correspond to his or her sex, except to the extent that federal law otherwise requires. See Grimm v. Gloucester County School Board, 972 F.3d 586 (4th Cir. 2020).
    Single-user bathrooms and facilities should be made available in accessible areas and provided with appropriate signage, indicating accessibility for all students.
    Students with a diagnosis of gender dysphoria made by a licensed health care provider should consult with their school’s ADA coordinator regarding any requested services.
    For any athletic program or activity that is separated by sex, the appropriate participation of students shall be determined by sex rather than gender or gender identity. Spotsylvania County Public Schools shall provide reasonable modifications to this policy only to the extent required
    by law
    LEGAL REF.: Code of Virginia 22.1-23.3
    Code of Virginia §§2.2-3900, 16.1-331 et seq., 22.1-1, 22.1-208.01, 22. 1-279.6, 22.1-279.6(D), 22.1-272.1(B), 22.1-287 through 289.01
    20 U.S.C. §1232g
    Grimm v. Gloucester County School Board 972 F.3d 586 (44 Cir. 2020)