OP-ED: Will the City of Fredericksburg Hear Its Residents?

The city is asking residents to get involved in updating its comprehensive plan. Some believe the city’s reaction to concerns over Mary’s Landing raises concerns over how closely the city will listen. By Matt Kelly The city of Fredericksburg has embarked on planning its future development through the updating of its Comprehensive Plan. Branded “FXBG […]

COMMENTARY – Winners and Losers: 2024 Primary Edition

Endorsements matter in low turnout elections. Whether Virginia joins the GOP column in 2024 depends on whether black and Hispanic voters come home. Editor’s Note: Shaun Kenney’s column this week originally appeared in The Republican Standard. First things first, let’s peel back some national level numbers. Writ large, former president Donald J. Trump’s re-election campaign […]

How to Drag a Body and Other Fun Facts

It’s Drew Time! A few weeks ago, I was wandering the streets of downtown Culpeper, destroyed by madness, starving, hysterical, naked, looking for an angry fix, when I stumbled upon a store called Le Monkey House. (In actuality, I was killing time before a high school track meet and was fully clothed, but Ginsberg sounded […]

Clay Jones: QR Code This

Cellphone bans? Sure thing! See someone violating the policy? Ah, that get’s a little trickier. Clay is here to sort it all out. Editor’s Note: Smart phone bans are all the rage right now, with Fredericksburg, Caroline, and King George passing bans in recent weeks. But as we noted recently, bans alone aren’t the magic […]

ENVIRONMENTAL CENTS: What are the Main Causes of Sea Level Rise?

And what can be done about it? Sea level rise is one of the more catastrophic impacts of climate change. The EPA predicts that up to $106 billion worth of coastal property will be underwater by 2050. Between 2050 and 2100, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicts that sea levels will rise between one and […]

Facility Fees Surprise Patients at Mary Washington Healthcare Practices

Fees are charged at practices that are considered “outpatient departments of the hospital.” On May 1, patients of Mary Washington Rheumatology received a message in their inboxes. “As of 7 a.m. June 3, 2024, Rheumatology will be converting to a hospital-based outpatient clinic of Mary Washington Hospital,” read the message, which was signed by Daniel […]

OPINION: The Worst Is Yet to Come – Maybe

Growth, left unchecked, can have devastating effects on local communities. Smart-growth planning now will help avoid the more-damaging effects of unchecked growth down the road. by Jay BrockGUEST WRITER If you think traffic in the Fredericksburg region is bad now … well, you ain’t seen nothing yet. There’s a good reason why traffic is the […]

Why Mary Isn’t Sticking the Landing

Bear with me, but I have a terrible knot in the back of my right shoulder that neither heat nor medicine nor water can seem to unlock. Political differences can seem that way as well. Sometimes no matter how hard you try, the problem just seems intractable — sometimes because the players want to make […]

Safety Tips to Know Before You Head onto the River

Editor’s note: Bob Sargeant is a Coast Guard veteran with more than 40 years of experience sailing and powerboating on the Chesapeake Bay and the Potomac and Rappahannock rivers.  He is also an enthusiastic white-water canoeist and kayaker. He offers these boating safety tips in time for National Safe Boating Week, May 18-24; and “Wear […]