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Budget Discussions in April

- April 1, 2024

The city schools’ budget, and a city council budget hearing, will explore funding gaps and increases in taxes, rates, and fees.

by Martin Davis

Both the Fredericksburg City Council and the Fredericksburg School Board have critical meetings on the horizon this month.

This evening at 6:00 PM at the Walker-Grant Center, the School Board and the City Council will hold a joint work session on the school system’s proposed budget.

Adjustments to the Local Composite Index have left the Fredericksburg school system scrambling to make up a projected $1.5 million shortfall. That number is better than it was a month ago, based upon an anticipated increase of $1.7 million in funding from the General Assembly.

Then, on April 16, the City Council will hold a budget public hearing on proposed increases to the admissions tax, tobacco (cigarette) tax, and courthouse security fees. There will also be a public hearing on increases to the water and sewer rates and fees.

The hearings begin at 7:00 PM in the City Council chambers.

The current rates and proposed increases follow:

- Published posts: 322

by Martin Davis EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

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