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BREAKING NEWS: Talks Between Moss Clinic and Mary Washington Healthcare “Have Reached Impasse”

- March 22, 2024

by Adele Uphaus

Talks between Mary Washington Healthcare and the Moss Free Clinic regarding the future of the clinic “have reached an impasse and will not continue,” the healthcare system said in a statement this afternoon.

“MWHC honors the Moss Clinic’s decision to remain independent and plans to continue to support the Clinic by allowing it to use the MWHC facility it currently occupies for $1 per year,” wrote Emily Thurston, director of marketing and communications, in the statement.

Bruce Davis, chair of the MWHC Board of Trustees, said the conclusion of the talks was “disheartening and disappointing.”

“Despite our shared missions, recent communications have made it clear that we cannot continue our efforts to try to work together to remedy the financial circumstance the Clinic finds itself in,” Davis said in the statement provided by Thurston.

The statement notes that MWHC’s mission to “improve the health of people in the communities we serve” is “integral.”

“In combination with our many primary care locations, Medicaid expansion, and the six other independent free and charitable clinics in our region, Mary Washington Healthcare has helped to establish a healthcare safety network that is integrated, equitable and resilient,” the statement reads.

The Advance has reached out to the Moss Clinic for a response and will update this story.

- Published posts: 315

Managing Editor and Correspondent

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