BOOK REVIEW: The Year of Second Chances

by Lara Avery Published by William Morrow (August 22, 2023), Hardback – $30, 288 pages Hardback edition Kindle edition Reviewed by Penny A Parrish The bride, the groom, the vows:  “To love and to cherish until death do us part.”  Almost everyone who has spoken those words to a spouse expects that the latter phrase […]

Classic Book Review: The Bluest Eye

In my previous life as a book reviewer for The Free Lance-Star, the Book Page rarely reviewed books more than year old. On the rare occasions when my editors would relent to my pleas, it would be a book of local relevance or one that was particularly timely, like Albert Camus’ The Plague during Covid. The […]

Sears’ New Biography An Immigrant Success Story

Virginia's LG Winsome Earle-Sears has a unique story among Republicans, one that is worth reading if you want to understand both the politician and the success story.

Independent voters jaded over actions on both sides of the aisle should find Jamaican born Lieutenant Governor Winsome Earle-Sears’ life experiences not just remarkable, but politically contentious. Using a religious simile stating she wanted to “do a Moses” in her first run for office, defeating a 20-year Democratic incumbent, perhaps summarizes her life.   Theological beliefs […]

Sunday Books: Marquis de Lafayette

A Hero of Two Worlds: The Marquis de Lafayette in the Age of Revolution By Mike Duncan Published by Public Affairs (August 24, 2021), Paperback – $18.99, 512 pages Paperback edition Kindle edition Reviewed by Martin Davis and Craig Vasey History – and in particular biography – in the hands of amateur historians can be […]

Sunday Books: ‘Cinnamon Girl’ and ‘Vanishing Maps’

Cinnamon Girl by Trish Macenulty Published by Livingston Press at the University of West Alabama (Release date: September 8, 2023), Paperback – $19.95, 316 pages Paperback edition Reviewed By Drew Gallagher Trish Macenulty’s new young adult novel Cinnamon Girl is unlikely to ever make it onto the shelves of the school libraries in Spotsylvania County. And that […]

Sunday Books: The Art Thief, Tom Lake + a Book Signing

The Art Thief by Michael Finkel Published by Knopf, Hardback – $28, 240 pages (Published June 27, 2023) Hardback edition Kindle version available Reviewed by Penny A Parrish Most people who steal art do so for money.  Usually they find out that fencing a famous piece is difficult, so works often disappear into the black market never […]