SATIRE: 69 + 69 = Dinner for 4?

Let me be straight – math and I never enjoyed an intimate relationship. Two tumbles with Algebra (once in high school and once in college), I learned, were enough for me. Math was simply out of my league. Praise the Lord I was too dumb to venture deeper into the mysterious world of numbers. Who […]

Help for Students Facing Mental Health Challenges

The drumbeat about declining mental health has been a steady one since the onset of the pandemic. This fact was driven home by the 2022 Rappahannock Area Community Health Assessment that listed “mental health” as the No. 1  most-important health need in our region. Our region is hardly alone. Mental health issues across Virginia are […]

Women’s Health Care and HD 65 Race

It only took a half-hour from the conclusion of Wednesday’s night debate at the University of Mary Washington for Democrat Joshua Cole to put abortion and women’s health at the center of the House District 65 race. In a press release received by FXBG Advance at 8:25, Cole’s team wrote: For the first time, Republican […]

Division in the Spotsylvania Republican Party

There’s a saying among those who follow elections that “Democrats fall in love, and Republicans fall in line.” The insinuation being that in the end, Republicans will vote R on Election Day, regardless of their personal feelings about the candidate because the party is unified in its disdain for Democrats. That saying may have run […]

COMMENTARY: Twenty-two years ago … We changed

The terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington, D.C., and the failed attack (presumably on the U.S. Capitol) that led to a downed plane in Pennsylvania, were horrible. What they were not, is unique. America has faced foreign aggression before on its soil. We will certainly face it again as technology brings far-flung places […]

It’s Time to Short Circuit the Educational Testing Cycle

A familiar cycle is about to kick-off again in Virginia. The final SOL scores are going to be released to the public soon (they were actually due in August). You know what’s going to happen. Public school critics will cherry-pick whatever numbers that favor them and use the information to further their argument that public […]

New Polling Suggests Public Concerns Changing

Last November Democrats stemmed a “Red Tide” by riding one major issue – the right of women to control their own personal and reproductive health. Polls and commentators generally agreed that the backlash against the fall of Roe v. Wade kept Democrats close in the U.S. House, and kept them in power in the U.S. […]

A Labor Day Reflection

If it is true that capitalism has created more opportunity for more people than any other economic system in world history, it’s equally true that it’s delivered considerable pain – economic and psychological – to the people without whom capitalism could not produce the wealth it does. America’s laborers. These are hardly new observations. In […]

OBIT/COMMENTARY: The World Still Needs Jimmy Buffett

Jimmy Buffett – who passed away Thursday – made us laugh at ourselves and at others. And he no doubt triggered the moralists in the world. Yes – we’re talking about the self-righteous zealots of Spotsylvania County and across the country who find things like human sexuality dirty, drinking an abomination, and religious satire an unforgiveable sin. […]

OPINION: Want to improve education? Instill love of learning

In the education wars, data is our ammunition. And according to a growing majority of Americans, that data says we’re missing the target. Education is failing. Elementary. Middle. High school. College. Graduate school. It doesn’t matter the level; if it receives public dollars, too many of us feel that education in the country has simply […]