ANALYSIS: ‘I’m done with politics.’ … Not

Rabih Abuismal is new chair of Spotsylvania County Republican Party This past December, I sat across from Rabih Abuismal at Tito’s Diner in Central Park as he informed me that he’s “done with politics,” and was leaving “for good.” Based on how that interview went, it looked to be a good decision. Clearly hurting from […]

Ready or Not … Election Season Is Here

And the Advance is the only news source in our region that’s introducing you personally to those who want your vote Elections matter. If there were ever any doubt about that truism, one need only look around our region and the events of the past year. In Fredericksburg the Council has been enmeshed in heated and politically […]

ANALYSIS: The Fools, Fabulists and Toxic Behavior in Spotsylvania

I have spilt no small amount of ink on the destruction the Spotsylvania County School Board — charged with nurturing and growing education — has accomplished. Social media platforms such as Facebook and Nextdoor are thick with  posts entangled in the weeds of that battle. Citizens need to hold those responsible for the collapse of […]


In recent years, the cry for “nonpartisan” news has reached a fever pitch. Yet to careful observers of media, there is little to admire in nonpartisan journalism, especially in the face of people, groups, and politicians who argue fair and balanced news tells “both sides” impartially to advance positions that are both immoral and dehumanizing. […]

ANALYSIS: The Pressure Is Building in Spotsylvania

In mid-July the FXBG Advance (then called F2S) published a piece exposing potential problems with the Petitions of Qualified Voters submitted by two candidates for local office – Nic Ignacio (running for clerk of court) and Steve Maxwell (running for sheriff). As we explained then: In our review of Ignacio’s and Maxwell’s Petition of Qualified Voters submissions, […]

COMMENTARY: You Say Goodbye, and I Say Hello

It’s a season of goodbyes and hellos at the FXBG Advance, and in these goings and comings we also get a glimpse of our future. First the goodbyes and hellos. Our intern Savannah Dunn has returned to school at Christopher Newport University and is resuming her studies. In her brief tenure with us, Savannah proved […]