‘Never’ says Moore

It’s Drew Time! – You’d think an unpaid humorist wouldn’t work all that hard, but alas, poor Drew is worn-out and turning to AI and Christopher Moore to bail him out. By Drew GallagherHUMORIST I have noticed a few concerning trends lately when it comes to writing, and, in fairness, I think I am working […]

It’s Drew Time!

This week, Drew’s shilling for the Card Seller, begging readers to buy the Editor scotch, bemoaning Katie Britt’s speechwriter, and writing one-act plays. Confused? Just read it. A House of Cards: Downtown Edition By Drew Gallagher Twelve score and eight years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, […]

It’s Drew Time!

The Luck of the Humorist By Drew Gallagher Today is St. Patrick’s Day. A day to reflect on what it means to be Irish and to remember the nearly million killed in the great famine by ordering bacon cheese fries at lunch between pints of Guinness. Ireland has produced some of the greatest writers and […]

Stepping in Dough … Ewww

“I’d do anything for $4,000” says anyone who had yet to learn that the 4K is on deposit with the family dog and taking a withdrawal is … well … if you think traditional banking stinks, try this. This column is about dog poop. More precisely, it is about searching for partially digested money in […]

The Smiths (do not) go to Washington

By Drew GallagherHUMORIST As the 2024 election cycle drunkenly careens toward November, the Trump campaign has pissed off another musician by co-opting a song for his rallies. We can now add Smiths’ guitarist Johnny Marr to a list of musicians who have demanded that Trump cease and desist in using their music. The current list […]

It’s Drew Time: Can You Hear Me Now?

Is God into home remodeling? Is the Presbyterian minister who married Drew and his love still in the profession? Is Sandra Bullock a Southern Baptist minister in drag? Hey, God, can you hear Drew now? By Drew Gallagher A pastor in Denver recently admitted that he and his wife stole about $1.3 million from their […]

It’s Drew Time: Superbowl Edition

Everyone loves the Super Bowl – except for Drew. He argued with his editor about Roman Numerals and lost. And his daughter’s mad at him because he didn’t get the last in Swiftie gear fast enough. by Drew GallagherHUMORIST The 2024 Super Bowl LVIII (Editor’s note to Drew – Dude, you can’t use Roman Numerals here because AP […]

Special Docket Brings Hope – and Smiles

Judge William E. Glover does not often have reason to smile in his Spotsylvania Circuit courtroom. His docket is generally filled with heinous crimes and tales of heartbreak that would make one wonder why he did not take Plato’s advice and: “Refrain therefore awhile from setting yourself up as judge of the highest matters.” On […]