FAMPO Seeks Feedback on Safe Streets and Roads for All Action Plan

by Adele UphausMANAGING EDITOR AND CORRESPONDENT The Fredericksburg Area Metropolitan Planning Organization is seeking public input into its comprehensive draft safety action plan, which it released Wednesday. FAMPO is responsible for transportation planning in the Fredericksburg area, to include the City and the counties of Stafford, Spotsylvania, and it also provides rural transportation planning for Caroline […]


Stafford School Board Approves Budget Amendment

by Adele UphausMANAGING EDITOR AND CORRESPONDENT The Stafford School Board approved its budget for the upcoming fiscal year two weeks ago, but met again on Tuesday to approve an amendment based on new state revenue projections. The budget of February 13 assumed $23.8 million in new money from the state of Virginia, based on Gov. […]


Interview: Terris Todd

by Martin DavisEDITOR-IN-CHIEF Terris Todd is a Republican candidate contending for a chance to represent the GOP on the ballot this November for the congressional seat being abandoned by Abigail Spanberger, who is running for governor in 2025. Todd recently spent some time with the Advance to talk about himself and his candidacy. FXBG Advance: […]


James Monroe High School Hosts African American Read-In

by Adele UphausMANAGING EDITOR AND CORRESPONDENT In the 1980s, members of the Black Caucus of the National Council of Teachers of English began talking about hosting a nationwide read-in of African American authors as part of Black History Month celebrations. The goal was to encourage communities to read together, and especially to read aloud, works […]


New Dominion Podcast: Debbie Girvan

Discussing the Moss Free Clinic Former City Councilwoman Debbie Girvan joins Leigh Ann Van Doren to help go over some of the controversy between Mary Washington Hospital and the Moss Free Clinic, the lack of day care access for working families, the importance of business leaders who take care of their people, and share some […]


Rooftop Solar Array at North Stafford High School

by Adele UphausMANAGING EDITOR AND CORRESPONDENT Installation began last week on the largest rooftop solar array in Virginia—which happens to be at North Stafford High School. Sun Tribe Solar and Madison Energy Infrastructure are partnering with Stafford County Public Schools on the project, according to a press release from the school division. Students also had […]


COMMENTARY: Thwarting the Press Isn’t the Solution

Nixon’s resignation is remembered as a great victory for the media. … Even though he lost his battle to remain in power, Nixon’s way of handling the press has prevailed in American politics. Intimidating journalists, avoiding White House reporters, staging events for television—now common presidential practices—were all originally Nixonian tactics. – The Atlantic Monthly, August […]



Drew’s fuming after clicking on a link about a murder-for-hire scheme, then made the mistake of fact-checking the story, which took him to Dotham, Alabama, and, well … just read it. By Drew GallagherHUMORIST Fundamentally, the headline is true. When I was growing up in Swift’s hometown of Reading, Pennsylvania, my parents (to be read: […]


Columnist Says: Christmas Tree Farm In Swift’s Hometown Slaughtered Bambi

By Drew GallagherHUMORIST Fundamentally, the headline is true. When I was growing up in Swift’s hometown of Reading, Pennsylvania, my parents (to be read: my mother) thought that the best way to get a Christmas tree was to drive to a Christmas tree farm somewhere in Berks County and cut down the Christmas tree. (Of […]