Virginia Is for Lovers of Creative Colors

Local print shop wins major contract to design, produce, market, and distribute one of the most iconic marketing slogans ever developed for a state. There are lots of interesting tourism slogans. “Sweet Home, Alabama” – Nice song, but sounds better backed by Lynyrd Skynyrd than on a road sign. “Dream Big” – You’d think a […]


Not Just Your Average School Lunch Program

Fredericksburg is turning a negative – a high percentage of students who qualify for free- and reduced-price lunch – to a positive; creative, healthy foods for students. The kids at James Monroe High School in Fredericksburg, Viginia, love to complain about the cafeteria food.  “It’s soggy and gross,” says one.  “It’s just nasty,” another chimes […]


Mary Washington Healthcare Exploring Controversial 340B Program

Designed to help hospitals offset expensive drug treatments, 340B has faced questions from the medical establishment over how profits from the program are used. Mary Washington Healthcare is looking to participate in a federal drug pricing program that would allow the hospital system to purchase outpatient drugs at roughly half the sales price and charge […]


Virginia School Boards Association Showcases Programs at Two Fredericksburg-Area School Divisions

Stafford and Caroline County Public Schools each have programs included in the 28th annual Virginia School Board Association’s Showcases for Success directory. The two local divisions are among 43 divisions statewide that are profiled in the publication, which highlights successful K-12 programs in Virginia. Caroline County The three Caroline County programs that are included are […]


Why Mary Isn’t Sticking the Landing

Bear with me, but I have a terrible knot in the back of my right shoulder that neither heat nor medicine nor water can seem to unlock. Political differences can seem that way as well. Sometimes no matter how hard you try, the problem just seems intractable — sometimes because the players want to make […]


Announcing the First Annual Fredericksburg Film Festival

There’s no reason now to travel to Cannes or Sundance—Fredericksburg is getting a film festival of its own. The first annual Fredericksburg Film Festival will take place throughout downtown starting Thursday and lasting through Sunday. Thirty-three original, independent short and feature-length narrative and documentary films will be screened during the festival, and there will also […]


Why Mary Isn’t Sticking the Landing

When you have an LLC within an LLC moving within weeks and not months on a prime piece of property? There ought to be questions. Bear with me, but I have a terrible knot in the back of my right shoulder that neither heat nor medicine nor water can seem to unlock. Political differences can […]


New Text Scam Targets Toll Road Drivers

The rapid growth of electronic toll roads across the country has produced a new scam targeting motorists. Since early March, there have been more than 2,000 reports to the FBI about text messages attempting to collect unpaid tolls on various state toll roads. VDOT says they have heard of at least 160 attempts in Virginia […]


Safety Tips to Know Before You Head onto the River

Editor’s note: Bob Sargeant is a Coast Guard veteran with more than 40 years of experience sailing and powerboating on the Chesapeake Bay and the Potomac and Rappahannock rivers.  He is also an enthusiastic white-water canoeist and kayaker. He offers these boating safety tips in time for National Safe Boating Week, May 18-24; and “Wear […]