News Quiz – May 3

How well do you know your local news? Find out in our new weekly quiz. How well do you know the news in our region? See how well you understand the news that happened over the past week. All the answers are found in the news stories we published from April 19 until April 26. […]


The News That Moved Us This Past Week: April 26 – May 3

The week just past saw a new Battle of the Wilderness, students arrested at UMW, an innovative school lunch program, another person leaving King George, and more bad news for Mary Washington Hospital. Share FXBG Advance 5. Battle of the Wilderness Resumes In May of 1864, the Union and Confederate armies came face to face […]


Attorneys Looking for Reasons to Fire Taylor? No.

Lisa Phelps and April Gillespie asserted last week, without evidence, that School Board attorneys are looking for reasons to fire Mark Taylor. Spotsylvania School Board member April Gillespie alleged at a work session last week that the school division’s attorneys are still looking for cause for terminating former superintendent Mark Taylor’s contract. In response to […]


King George School Board Approves Moving Six of Nine Preschool Classes out of Troubled Building Next Fall

But this is a temporary fix. Members must decide what kind of construction project will best serve the county long-term. Six King George County preschool classes will move from the rapidly deteriorating building on St. Anthony’s Road where they are now housed to King George Elementary in the fall. That will leave three classes, comprised […]


ECONOMIC CENTS: HVAC Systems and Air Flow Go Hand-in-Hand

Dirty filters, built up air pressure cause for inefficiencies in many homes. by Bruce SallerGUEST WRITER The heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system works hard enough on both cool and warm days to keep people comfortable. Don’t make it work harder by restricting its airflow.  A dirty air filter can reduce your system’s efficiency […]



See and experience the Boy King in a way not previously possible. It’s the perfect get-away for families this summer. When Akhenaten became Pharoah of Egypt during the 18th Dynasty (1539 B.C.E. – 1292 B.C.E.), he threw Egyptian society into chaos by ending the worship of all gods but one – Aten; the sun disk. […]


Battle of the Wilderness Resumes

Preservation groups hope new “endangered historic site” designation will prevent massive development project. In May of 1864, the Union and Confederate armies came face to face in the thickets of old growth forest along the Orange Turnpike and Plank Road along what now along the Orange County/Spotsylvania County line. It was the beginning of the […]


Mary Washington Hospital Receives ‘D’ Safety Rating from Leapfrog

It is the only hospital in Virginia to receive this rating. Mary Washington Hospital received a grade of ‘D’ in Leapfrog Group’s spring 2024 hospital safety ratings, which were released this week. It is the only hospital out of 72 in Virginia to receive a grade of ‘D’ from the independent, nonprofit watchdog group. The […]


Whether its College, the Workforce, or the Military, “Every Decision is a Choice Worth Celebrating”

Stafford County high schools honor their graduating seniors. Mountain View High School senior Lily Sanford will be attending James Madison University next year. She’s been accepted onto the university’s official dance team and plans to major in psychology. While in high school, she’s been involved in student government, and this year is a senior class […]