How Many Homes Would It Take?

Our housing crises is serious. Boulder, Colorado’s, may be worse. Boulder offers lessons for Fredericksburg, and our region has a few things to teach Boulder, as well. This week, Martin is in Boulder, Colorado, visiting family. He’s also filing reports about Boulder’s own housing crisis as well as the city’s robust news scene — both […]


Upcoming Program at Fredericksburg Area Museum will Explore City’s “Dark History”

Ghosts, diseases, disasters, hauntings, and more. From our 21st century sensibilities, a piece of jewelry made with the hair of a deceased person might seem unsettling. Share But to the Victorians, who were surrounded by death, such jewelry was cherished and played an important role in elaborate mourning practices. “Instead of being disturbed by a […]


Education Spotlight: Colonial Forge Senior is a National Merit Scholarship Semifinalist

A.J. Staton’s passions are math, music, and community. A “big old poster” of a shuttle that he received when he was 4 or 5 years old catapulted A.J. Staton into the space phase that a lot of little kids go through. Share But unlike other kids, A.J. never came out of that phase. An entire […]


King George School Board Committee to Review Contested Library Purchases

Board also hears accreditation report. The King George School Board on Monday agreed to assemble a committee to review proposed library book purchases that are contested by some members of the community. Share The committee will be made up of a school administrator, a school counselor, a literacy coach, a media specialist, three teachers, and […]


Opinion: “Housing Affordability” Is an Old Concern

Debates over affordable housing have long been part of the public discussion. So why are we still struggling with solutions? By Matt KellyGUEST COMMENTATOR With another Regional Housing Summit coming in October and the city reviewing housing goals as part of a Comprehensive Plan update, let’s take a look at what has been done for housing […]


Three-Quarters of Virginians Struggle to Afford Groceries

Poll conducted by No Kid Hungry Virginia finds that families with children in K-12 public schools are especially hard-hit. More than three-quarters of Virginians reported that it has become harder to afford groceries in the last 12 months, according to the results of a new poll from No Kid Hungry Virginia, and families with children in […]


Students’ Families Struggle to Pay Lunch Costs in Stafford

This week, Stafford in Action is coming to the aid of students’ families who are struggling to pay for school lunches. That families are stressed financially is well-known. But truly understanding that stress can be harder to quantify. Share Stafford County Public Schools, however, can measure that stress with two numbers: 4,000, and $100. The […]


Reverend Lawrence Davies: A Singular Figure, a Singular Community

A towering figure in his own right, Reverend Lawrence A. Davies represents the culmination of centuries of African American political efforts in the city of Fredericksburg. By Gaila SimsVice President of Programs and Interpretation at Fredericksburg Area Museum While Fredericksburg’s “Mayor for Life” has been rightfully honored with numerous testimonials in the weeks since his […]


CLAY JONES: Meltdown!

The North Anna Power Plant is doing away with sirens that alert people in the event of an emergency. In its place? Text-messaging alerts! Clay brings his distinctive sense of humor to this change. To purchase this cartoon, and more from Clay Jones, visit his website. Share Submit a Letter to the Editor Local Obituaries To view local […]