Misinformation and Misrepresentation Grows in Spotsylvania

The email sent at 11:20 am Thursday morning was a reminder that at Spotsylvania’s Early Voting site, misrepresentation and misinformation are afoot. General Registrar Kellie Acors sent her email to about 50 candidates and campaign workers, among others, warning that people were behaving in a manner that is now negatively affecting the community’s impression of […]


Misinformation and Misrepresentation Grows

At Spotsylvania’s early voting center, some candidates will stop at nothing to secure votes. The FXBG Advance has an exclusive interview with one resident who fell victim to a misleading sample ballot


BREAKING NEWS: Pro-Palestinian Marchers Take to the Streets

A handful of students and Palestinian supporters took to Fredericksburg’s streets Thursday evening.


CORTEZ: Hispanic Heritage Month and How Far We Have Come

What a difference a day makes for a proud American during Hispanic Heritage Month standing before Lieutenant Governor Winsome-Earle Sears in her Richmond office as State Senator Bryce Reeves read a state proclamation reflecting on my life and achievements relative to veterans and media. Sponsored by Democratic Delegate Paul Krizek representing the 44th Dist. and […]


Spotsylvania In Trouble; Where Is The Outrage?

In 2021, then-candidate Glenn Youngkin found a winning message – “Parents’ Rights.” It’s an issue that has served him well. Youngkin played on parents’ fears and frustrations about mask mandates; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion policies; and curriculum during the campaign to energize his run for Richmond. After winning the governor’s race, he then got involved in the case of […]


Spotsylvania is in Trouble; Where is the Outrage?

Governor Glenn Youngkin is conspicuously quiet regarding the one locality which is doing more than any other to push his agenda to undermine public education — Spotsylvania County.


Maestro's Third Season – An Interview with Kevin Bartram | Government Meetings

Maestro’s Third Season – An Interview with Kevin Bartram Editor’s Note: On October 20, the Fredericksburg Symphony Orchestra will kick-off its third season at Life Point Auditorium in Central Park. The man with the baton is Kevin Bartram. An accomplished musician in his own right, former college professor, and now a teacher at James Monroe […]


Maestro’s Third Season – An Interview with Kevin Bartram

Editor’s Note: On October 20, the Fredericksburg Symphony Orchestra will kick-off its third season at Life Point Auditorium in Central Park. The man with the baton is Kevin Bartram. An accomplished musician in his own right, former college professor, and now a teacher at James Monroe High School, Bartram has brought Fredericksburg not just a […]


KENNEY: McCarthy’s Ouster Was Victory For Partisanship, Not America

There is an old line which says that killing a king doesn’t make you a king, it merely makes you an assassin. This was not a line lost on the progenitors of democracy, for the Greeks knew intimately that the best way to remove an opponent was to slander them ruthlessly in the public square […]