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Spotsylvania School Board – June 10 Meeting Details

- June 9, 2024

An overview of the topics to be discussed at the upcoming Board meeting.

Monday’s Spotsylvania County School Board meeting includes a list of 7 items on the consent agenda, one information item, and four action items.

Information Item

The standard monthly Head Start update.

Action Items

  • Second reading of changes to School Board policies IIA and IIBD. Both are related to library and instructional materials policies.
  • Second reading of changes to School Board policy JFC, which concerns the Code of Student Conduct.
  • Second reading of School Board Policy KKF, a new policy outlining classroom observations.
  • Second reading of School Board Regulation KGR, which concerns community use of school facilities.

Meeting Details

- Published posts: 322

by Martin Davis EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

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