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Moss Clinic Reaches Fundraising Goal

- May 31, 2024

Clinic raises $134,000 during Day of Giving this week.

The Lloyd Moss Free Clinic exceeded its goal of raising $100,000 for clinic operations this week.

The clinic raised $134,000 during May Day of Giving on May 28. Combined with a matching grant, the amount will allow the clinic to continue offering medical, dental, and pharmacy care to the area’s low-income population.

“We are overwhelmed by the outpouring of support,” said Karen Dulaney, the clinic’s executive director, in a press release about Giving Day. “The success of this giving day demonstrates the power of our community coming together to support a vital cause. Each donation, especially with the match challenge, has been doubled, magnifying the impact of every dollar contributed.”

Since 1993, the nonprofit Moss Clinic, which is operated by the Fredericksburg Area Regional Health Council, has cared for more than 16,000 patients, dispensed 880,000 prescription medications, and provided $325 million in free healthcare to residents in the Fredericksburg area, according to the press release.

The clinic is facing financial difficulties now that it no longer receives financial support from a capital campaign conducted in 2004 on its behalf by the Mary Washington Hospital Foundation.

“We are incredibly grateful for every single donation,” Dulaney continued. “Your support has not only helped us meet our goal but also inspired us to keep pushing forward. Together, we are transforming lives and building a healthier, stronger community.”

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