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Wanted: One Developer for Vacant Spotsylvania Parcel

- May 30, 2024

Could rezoning attract developer to vacant lot?

Tens of thousands of baby boomers turn 65 every day across the country.

According to the American Senior Housing Association, more than 100,000 new homes are needed between now and 2040 for them.

That need is critical in Spotsylvania County and there’s some hope that a change in zoning for a long vacant parcel of land could attract a badly needed developer.

The Spotsylvania County Planning Commission will review a proposed change in zoning on the undeveloped 5.3 acre wooded site along Harrison Road with the landowner hoping to attract someone to build an age-limited apartment complex with as many as 80 units.

The land is currently zoned residential and is adjacent to the Chancellor Green subdivision. However, various ideas for it have gone nowhere since the subdivision was constructed in the 1970s.

The current zoning change would offer the land for a two-story age-limited apartment complex for people over 55 that could include a percentage of assisted living units.

The triangle-shaped site lies along Harrison Road, near Cherry Road and across from the Meadows Trailor Park. It borders the popular Virginia Central Bike Trail that has been recently repaved, though it is lightly used by the neighborhood. The bike trail and some oak trees separate the proposed development from the existing adjacent homes.

Baxter said she hopes this zoning change, which includes planned sidewalks for pedestrians along Harrison Road, will make the land more attractive to a builder.

Water and sewer easements have already been approved. The land is less than a mile from Chancellor High School, but a 55+ community would have no impact on school enrollment.

The only exit and entrance for the proposed development would be on Harrison Road, where traffic has increased steadily over the last decade.

The site is also along the current FRED bus route.

One issue not addressed in the rezoning application is the impact on Cherry Road, a major route into the Chancellor Green neighborhood which is often used as a cross connection between Harrison Road and U.S. 3.

The public hearing on the rezoning for the “Age Wise” proposal is set for 6 p.m. on June 5 in the Board of Supervisors meeting room.

The proposal does not give a timetable for construction but even if a developer is found right away, it could be several years before construction begins.

by Hank Silverberg

This article was updated at 10:12 AM on June 6, 2024, to remove the suggestion that the county was hoping to attract a developer, and to clarify some issues of attribution.

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