What should the city do with the historic Renwick Courthouse?

Working group recommends seeking public-private partnership and adaptive reuse as a performance or event space.


Spotsylvania Democratic Committee Sets New Course

Bob Martin, now former chairman of the Spotsylvania County Democratic Committee, strode to the podium at Salem Church Library in a festive blue Santa hat and gave newly elected chair Jeff Kent his Christmas present – the gavel. The roughly 40 people who attended Monday night’s meeting of the SCDC were in a festive mood […]


Spotsylvania Democratic Committee Sets New Course

Jeff Kent becomes SCDC chair, and braces for 180 days of early voting and three election events in 2024.


Students gain marketable skills; a veteran gains a home

Caroline’s Future Builders program is partnering with Habitat for Humanity to build an affordable home for a veteran, with support from the Fredericksburg Area Association of Realtors.


Podcast: Howard Rudat

Howard Rudat discusses his new Mercedes and its AI, reflects on his campaign for Rock Hill Supervisor for Stafford County, what degree of investment localities need to take on for public education and student meals, why the next high school in Stafford should be named the Frank “Doc” White Flying Bats (or something more creative).


New Dominion Podcast

Returning for his second appearance on the show, Howard Rudat ruminates, laughs, and fawns over his Mercedes.


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EDITORIAL: Will Spotsylvania Learn and Forget Nothing?

The road ahead is long. It’s going to take everyone.


The Need Is So Great

The greater Fredericksburg region came together on Saturday to help some 1,000 families facing food insecurity.