Davis: We Have Been Chasing the Wrong ‘Dream’

Race remains America’s “original sin,” if you find religious language helpful. However, defining race with religious language unnecessarily narrows the problem. Today – as we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy – it’s appropriate to recapture the breadth of the problem that fueled racism in America as King understood it. To do so is to […]


We Have Been Chasing the Wrong ‘Dream’

This year will decide if we as a people take steps to close the “Great Divide” caused by poverty that King dedicated the final years of his life to, or risk losing King’s Dream.


Sunday Books & Culture – It's Drew Time

Drew’s leaving the Advance (not really, but he thinks he is). Where’s he going? Why, Spotsylvania County Public Schools, of course! Read his cover letter below.


Sunday Books & Culture

This week’s page includes two thrillers – Sara Divello’s Broadway Butterfly and Vanessa Lillie’s Blood Sisters. And in a separate email, Drew Gallagher makes his case to go to work in Spotsy.


ADVICE: Mom Struggles to Be Present for Kids

Parenting isn’t just being there for your kids, it’s being present for them when you’re with them. What happens when you struggle with being present? Two moms offer advice.


Member of Spotsylvania Sheriff's Office Selected for State-level Board

Captain Charles Carey will serve four years on the State Board of Local and Regional Jails.


Character Change in a Rural Section of Spotsylvania

VDOT project is preparing Mudd Tavern Road to carry double the amount of traffic by 2042.


A Bill to Tackle the Problem of "Free-Roaming Cats"

Del. Bobby Orrock-sponsored legislation would establish a statewide model plan for reducing and controlling the feral cat population.


KENNEY: An Early Test for Spotsy Schools: People or Politics?

Spotsylvania’s public schools need a superintendent the conservative-led Board of Supervisors like and trust. Will they keep him around? Or pay the exorbitant severance fee?