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The News That Moved Us – March 8 – 15

- March 16, 2024

by Martin Davis

The week just past saw a big announcement around data centers, a housing demonstration, an uplifting story about tulips, questions about FOIA’s effectiveness, and another resignation in King George.

Also – our new website continues to pick up steam. Check it out to easily access and read the most important stories shaping our community on your phone, laptop, or desktop by going to www.fxbgadvance.com.

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Number 5: A ‘Transformational’ Moment for Virginia – FXBG Advance

To truly understand the word “billion,” some context is necessary. Jeff Black of the Caroline County Board of Supervisors provided that frame of reference at Germanna Community College on Wednesday morning where Gov. Glenn Youngkin and a number of state and local leaders in the political and educational spheres gathered to kick-off Amazon Web Services’ $35 billion investment in Virginia over the next 16 years.

Number 4: Demonstrators Want Youngkin to Sign On

We are asking, a young Hispanic woman with legal standing in the U.S. told the Advance, for “basic accessibility to electricity, water, bathrooms, rooms so you’re not on top of each other,” and prices that make sure these livable spaces are available “for people of all incomes.”

Number 3: Tulips = Happiness

All across Fredericksburg, some 200,000 tulips are getting ready to blanket the city with springtime color. For the folks behind TulipsFXBG and the volunteers who planted thousands of bulbs last fall, the anticipation is almost as good as the display itself.

Number 2: FOIA Denial Is a Problem … But Not the Most Concerning

Our local politics are on a path to diminishing the role of the citizen. It’s not too late to turn that around.

Number 1: King George County Withholding Records Related to Complaints Against Board Chair

The FXBG Advance has learned that another senior county employee in King George is reportedly leaving. Donna Hahn, the county’s director of finance, apparently resigned her position on Friday according to a source who requested anonymity. This brings to at least five the total number of senior employees who have left their offices.

Humor – Stepping in Dough … Ewww

“I’d do anything for $4,000” says anyone who had yet to learn that the 4K is on deposit with the family dog and taking a withdrawal is … well … if you think traditional banking stinks, try this.

Commentary: Confessions of a Never Trump Conservative

If you are indeed a Republican, there is no more certain way to make a Democratic friend by announcing your dislike of Donald J. Trump. Of course, the quickest way to lose that friend is to mention that the reason you do not like Trump is because the man behaves like a Democrat.

- Published posts: 322

by Martin Davis EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

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