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- October 3, 2023

… How will it affect local elections?

This afternoon, Rep. Kevin McCarthy was voted out of as Speaker of the House. It’s the first time in U.S. history that such a move has happened.

The question becomes, what impact will this have on local elections?

The Advance will look into that question and have thoughts tomorrow morning.

- Published posts: 254

by Martin Davis EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

    Sara Toye

    Wow. so many ramifications. One that comes to my mind is Ukraine funding, not to mention what’s going to happen 45 days from now.

    Leo B Watkins

    “If you throw out a speaker” for averting a government shutdown, he warned reporters and, implicitly, his Republican colleagues, “then I think we’re in a really bad place.” Kevin McCarthy 10/03/23

    Hopefully the effect on local elections is that people will realize that, like McCarthy said, the Republican Party has been and is in “a really bad place”. That’s putting it kindly.

    A party that would rather bow down to the most outrageous elements of their party – whether it be Gosar’s execution demands, MGT’s war on Ukraine, Gaetz’s perversities, Boebert’s bringing the term “family entertainment” a whole new meaning – a party that would rather have that tail wagging their dog, rather then make any effort to treat the majority of the nation’s voters with respect and just show a modicum of restraint that would allow compromise.

    You pick working with Paul Gosar over Abigail Spanberger? Really?

    There is a sickness at the core of the Republican party. Has been for years. Anyone who has supported that party in the past yet continues to do so, at any level – whether it be book burning school board mullahs, to glad handing power wannabes, to the indicted criminal aching for revenge who brews the koolaid – bad place may be about the biggest understatement of the century.

    If we are wise, we will recognize it, and quit pretending otherwise.

    Bad place……sheesh.