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- September 8, 2023

September 8, 2023

by Clay Jones

I miss drawing local cartoons. I love drawing on national and international issues, but I broke into this business drawing on local issues. I started at a small weekly paper in Mississippi in 1990 drawing about county supervisors. I started my own syndicate in that state focusing on statewide issues, and when I was hired by the Honolulu Star-Bulletin, they said I was their choice because they could understand my cartoons on Mississippi topics. From there, they had me draw a daily cartoon on local topics six days a week in full color on the front page. And when The Free Lance-Star hired me, it was to draw local cartoons. Even after I was laid off, I won first place in the National Newspaper Association’s Better Newspaper Contest for a cartoon I drew for a New York paper on a local topic. So, in a way, I felt it was kind of a shame and waste I haven’t been able to draw on local issues in a while.

But I’m back. Martin Davis challenged me to draw on local issues for his new publication, the FXBG Advance. I’m excited to get started.

Recently, a cartooning colleague of mine asked me about Martin, wondering if he’d be a good editor for a cartoonist. My endorsement is this: I’m drawing cartoons for Martin Davis.

Fredericksburg, Stafford, and Spotsylvania… I’m back. 

Support Local Journalism

The FXBG Advance is off and running, but we can’t do this without your help. You can support local journalism here in Fredericksburg by donating $8 a month. Your dollars will go toward hiring journalists so that we can broaden our reach and strengthen our coverage.

The content is now, and will continue to be, free.

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Thank you for reading and supporting FXBG Advance.

-Martin Davis, Editor

    David Kerr

    Clay Jones is back!! That’s great news. He is a remarkably gifted cartoonist and commentator.

    Matthew J. Kelly

    Welcome back Clay. Still have your draft cartoon on a possible outcome of a mayoral election in the city. Looking forward (I think—remembering the speedo piece) to what you come up with in the future.

    Matthew J. Kelly

    Welcome back Clay. Still have your draft cartoon on a possible outcome of a mayoral election in the city. Looking forward (I think—remembering the speedo piece) to what you come up with in the future.

    Wanda Brown

    Loved this cartoon! Your likenesses of Spotsylvania’s TP 4 is “spot-on!” Very good likeness of Youngkin, too!