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Make Mark Taylor the Most Over-paid Janitor in the State

- August 25, 2023

August 25, 2023

    Nicole Cole

    Only this community – now the four districts up for election can save Spotsylvania from losing its local democracy altogether. And community that goes for School Board AND Board of Supervisors. Locally this is THE most important election this community will face – including Sheriff and Clerk of Court (I feel we need Roger Harris and C Jett) AND vote for state senate and house of delegates for public education (my recommendations: senate – Griffin & Ward; delegate – J. Cole & Luck). Its as if Spotsylvania voters alone have the power to align the stars to be able to defeat the attack against public education in VA starting in 2024 and counter the governors damage. I’m so ready to work with a new board who actually care about our children, educators, and this community more than a selfish, greedy, agenda. I’m counting on Spotsylvania to be active this election season. Show VA who we really are #VoteforGoodPeople (its really that simple)!
    Thank you for your words Mr. Pullen.

    Connie Smith

    ONE Realtor lost ONE sale, and you are headlining that this is affecting the housing market? I’m not defending the Spotsylvania School Board, they are an embarrassment. But way to go with the hyperbole!